Chapter Twenty Six: Ambition

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Chapter Twenty Six: Ambition 

When I was growing up, everyone I knew was always after power. It was like a drug to them, they had to have it. It was always about who had it and how it could be taken from them and then used against them.  It was always about what the people you had power over could do for you.  Everyone always had an ulterior motive, and no one was exactly who they claimed to be. 

My parents were socialites. They had spent years climbing the social ladder until they are exactly where they are today.  Head of Hendricks Production, one of Hollywood's biggest production companies. They spent years taking out competitors one by one, sacrificing whatever necessary to win. Doing whatever it took to have complete power, complete control.

I always wondered, when I was younger, if it was worth it. If the lives that they live are worth the things that they lost to get there. I wonder if it was worth losing me over.  If it was worth staying in a loveless marriage for.

I vividly remember a rainy day when I was about nine years old, my mother sat me down and told me that love didn't exist.  That people who claimed they had found it needed to be committed.  That it was a beautiful illusion. The worst part was, for years I believed her.

These were the thoughts that filled my mind as I sat alone in Starbucks sipping on my drink while I watched the rain fall through the window. 

"Is this seat taken?" An all too familiar voice spoke up from beside me, causing my entire body to tense.

"What are you doing here? Have you taken to stalking me?" I asked coldly, not even bothering to look away from the rain to look at them.

"I am meeting Ciara here. She's house sitting while I'm on tour." He explained, taking the seat next to me despite my protest.

I just nodded my head. He was really the last person I wanted to talk to right now, let alone be photographed with. I could only imagine how that story would be twisted.

"I wanted to talk to you last night. There were a long of things that went unsaid between us, Andy. But other than that, I'm worried about you. You're breaking the contract with your parents." He whispered to me, causing shivers to run down my spine. 

"My mother has already called me threatening to take everything away. Kendall, she can. I can lose everything." I fought back the inevitable tears from filling my eyes.

I didn't know if it was the person I'm talking to or the topic of conversation that was making me so emotional, but I do know that I don't want him to see me breaking. Even though he is the only one I can talk to about this.

"And he's worth is?" The calmness in his voice as he asked me this question almost baffled me. Someone has gotten better at hiding their emotions. That's just proof we hardly know each other anymore.

The problem was, I didn't have an answer to that question. It was one that my mother had asked the day that she called me. It was a question that my not having an answer to was answer in itself.

"You always did blur your lines, Andy. I guess some things never change." He chuckled, although he seemed far from amused.

"Please, stop pretending like you know me, Kendall. You don't." I snapped, I wasn't ready for this.

"I know that you hate feet. You hate them so much it's unhealthy. You're obsessed with Dawson's Creek. You cringe every time you hear the word moist. You hate that your entire life has been a lie since the day we ended things and you signed that stupid piece of paper. I know that you are so scared of being disappointed that you never get your hopes up. I know that I screwed you up so badly." He shot off fact after fact, but none of that proved anything.

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