Chapter Forty Two: I Lied

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Chapter Forty Two: I Lied

Andy's Point of View:

As I sat across the table from him and looked into those green eyes that used to captivate me, I couldn't explain the emotion that was currently overwhelming me. Every memory that we shared together was coming back. Every touch. Every kiss. Every fight. Every tear. Every laugh. Every time he made me smile. Everything. How we used to rule the world when we were together. How we went from that to perfect strangers.

I could feel him looking at me, but I couldn't bring myself to look away from his eyes or break the silence that was looming over us. I couldn't think of a single thing that was actually worth saying. I couldn't even think a single logical thought now that I was with him again.

I was surprised when he had actually called me last night wanting to meet up and talk. Since this was my last night in California, I knew I had to do it now instead of waiting until we were both in the same country again.

It was so surreal being in this house again. Being in the place where I practically grew up. I remember my parents dropping me off here on their way to work and I would spend a few days with Kendall. I remember how a lot of my first times happened in this house. A lot of great memories happened here.

"The last time I saw you, you looked different. You looked so scared and lost. You looked broken. Now, I look at you and see the girl that I fell in love with. I see the girl who was fearless. The girl who didn't hide behind  a fake image. The girl who made me rethink everything. The girl that I broke all that time ago." He spoke softly, and the sound of his voice surprised me at first.

Of course, I've heard it through the radio and television, but I never imagined hearing it in person ever again.

It took a minute, but eventually his words hit me. And they hit hard. The last time we met up, it was by accident. It was a chance encounter. It was also the day that Harry broke up with me. It was the day that I broke all over again.

"I asked you last time if he was worth the price that you had to pay to be with him. You didn't have an answer. Do you have one now?" His question caught me off guard, but I should have seen it coming. Of course, he wanted to know that I was well taken care of.

"He's worth it. I think I always knew that, but the thought of it actually scared me. He makes me feel things that I've never felt before, and no matter what he does I can't help but trust him. He's given me literally every reason not to, but I keep coming back." I answered honestly. 

It was nice to have someone to talk to about this that knew me before everything changed. Who knew the real me. Hell, it was nice to talk to someone who was even from this country.

"You love him. Andy, you always did crazy things when you were in love." He smirked, obviously remembering times I had done things for him that weren't logical.

Like one time I drove cross country with Ali just to see Kendall for one night while he was in North Carolina. The two of us were completely exhausted, but it was worth it to see Kendall on the stage. It was always worth it to see him do what he loved most.

"We're not two kids anymore are we? We really aren't. Everything is different. I'm glad that you never changed, Kendall. I'm glad the fame never changed you." I commented offhandedly. 

"Andy, you would have changed anyway. I changed, too. Not because of the fame, but people can't go through what we went through and walk away unchanged. I still think about it every day..." He trailed off, and I could hear the pain in his voice.

If anything, I always thought that Kendall was the strong one in our situation. I knew that I had hurt him when I went behind his back and altered both of our fates, but I never thought that I broke him. Seeing him now, maybe he wasn't ever as strong as I painted him to be.

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