Home - Drarry

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The first time Draco Malfoy came into town, the sky grew dark and heavy with clouds. Children stopped their play as they watched him walk briskly through the streets, the clouds rolling behind him in a menacing cloud as if they followed him.

He was taller than any human had any right to be and his long coat fluttered around his legs with each long stride. The click of his shoes echoed in the nearly silent street. His expression was guarded and his thin lips pressed into a grim line. His silvery eyes skimmed over each house as he passed. Finally, he turned quickly and walked up to a small brick house. He knocked twice on the door and stepped back.

The door opened and Harry looked out at Malfoy. His face grew pale with shock. "Malfoy?" He said, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

People that had been walking by stopped and stared with open mouths at the strange man who now stood before one of the most loved people in town with a faint expression of distaste.

"So you're alive then," Malfoy sneered.

"How did you know where I was?" Harry asked.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow. "You really thought no one would ever track you down, Potter?"

"I knew someone would come, but I never thought it'd be you," Harry opened the door wider, smiling hesitantly. "Would you like to come in?"

Malfoy stared at him with steely gray eyes. After a moment he nodded curtly and stepped into the house.

Harry took Malfoy's coat from him, staring at the blond with wide eyes. It had been years since he'd seen anyone from his old life. Years since the emotions that had pushed him away had rushed through him the way they did now.

Malfoy met his eyes and swallowed nervously. He moved with an anxious stiffness that Harry tried not to mimic as he gestured towards his kitchen.

"Would you like some tea?" He asked, finding his voice at last.

Malfoy nodded. "Tea would be nice, thank you."

They walked into the kitchen and Harry walked over to the stove and got the tea started.

"So how did you find me?" Harry asked.

Draco shrugged. "It was simple, but it took time. I talked to the people that saw you last, Hermione, Ron, and his sister. Then it was just a matter of finding and tracking your magical footprint."

"Oh," Harry said, not missing how Malfoy had used his old friend's first names. "I didn't know that magical footprints were a thing."

"It's not common knowledge."

Silence pressed around them for a few minutes until the kettle's whistle pierced the air. Harry scrambled to turn off the stove and poured the boiling water into mugs.

Malfoy took the mug that Harry offered him and settled into his chair.

"Why?" Harry asked at last.


"Why try to find me? It doesn't make sense. We hated each other."

Malfoy looked up and Harry was struck by how much Malfoy had changed. His gray eyes shone silver from a light that wasn't there when they were children. His white-blond hair fell in his eyes and he seems more relaxed than he ever had before. He was almost beautiful.

Malfoy licked his lips nervously and said in a whisper so quiet that Harry has to lean closer to hear him, "I never hated you, Harry."

"Oh," was all Harry could think to say. "I suppose I never hated you either. You were a real prick, but you never deserved to be hated." He knew he was babbling, but he couldn't help it. Malfoy always had a way of making him ramble.

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