Snow Day - Drarry

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Many things changed between the Battle of Hogwarts and the start of the following school year. Hogwarts had changed as McGonagall had taken the chance to renovate the entire castle. Almost all of the remaining students from Harry's year had returned to finish school and take their NEWT's. And a mind healer, a sort of wizard psychologist, had been hired to help students heal from the trauma of the events from the previous year.

But perhaps the most shocking change of all was Draco Malfoy.

Through the summer, his sharp edges had softened, both physically and in his personality. He smiled more often, though it was small, almost like he wasn't used to smiling. He wore cardigans so big that they covered his hands, and a book was never far from him. His hair had grown and now curled softly underneath his ears.

And then there was the change in their relationship.

Outright hostility became polite neutrality, which bled into amiable conversations between classes, and by December, Harry could safely say that Draco was one of his closest friends. Their bond, he would tell some people, was beyond anything he'd felt before.

Sometimes, late at night when the most dangerous truths are impossible to ignore, he wondered if perhaps his feelings were something more. Especially when his eyes lingered on Draco's lips for a moment too long, and when he felt that twisting lurching feeling in his stomach when Draco's silvery eyes met his.

* * *

January came to Hogwarts with a blanket of snow and temperatures so cold that it was impossible to go out most days. Everyone was restless and cold. Harry wanted nothing more than to get out of the castle.

The snow finally let up on a Sunday towards the end of January. McGonagall allowed the eighth years to take a trip to Hogsmeade, though Harry along with a few others stayed behind.

Harry was sick of people. They crawled all over the castle with awestruck faces when they saw him in the halls. It was exhausting. He wanted to take his broom and fly off to some spot very far away and not come back for the entire day. He settled for zipping about the grounds, letting the wind strip away his stress and ruffle his hair into a tangled mess.

Around 5 p.m., Harry caught sight of Draco as he walked back from Hogsmeade. His hood was up against the bitter cold. Harry grinned and swooped down towards him.

Draco looked up just as Harry launched a snowball directly into his chest. Draco stumbled back with a soft cry of outrage and glared at Harry as he half tumbled off the broom and stood beside him.

"Hey Draco," Harry laughed as Draco brushed the snow off of him and scowled at Harry.

"Asshole," He muttered. "It's cold!"

"Isn't it wonderful?" Harry threw back his head and laughed.

Draco's angry expression melted away and was replaced by a goofy grin that only showed up around Harry. "It's cold, that's what it is," He said affectionately before scooping up some snow of his own and shoving it in Harry's face.

Harry roared in surprise. "Hey!"

Draco grinned mischievously and shrugged. "It's only fair."

Harry's response was to growl as he tackled him into the snow.

Draco let out a shriek as the wrestled in the snow like children, laughing and shoving snow around as they went.

They rolled to a stop a few moments later. Both were laughing and covered in snow. Harry's grin faded a bit as he realized the position they were in.

Harry straddled Draco's waist with his arms braced on either side of his head. Draco looked up at him, his gray eyes turning to pure silver in the sunlight as he looked up at Harry with a big smile. Draco's hands pressed into Harry's chest but froze there as if he too had realized where they were.

Draco's grin didn't fade as he met Harry's eyes. The look he gave him was almost a dare. And with his blond hair curling around his ears and his face filled with such joy, he looked almost beautiful. Harry's breath caught in his throat and before he realized what he was doing, he had leaned down and kissed Draco softly.

Draco's eyes widened in shock as Harry pulled away. Panic swirled in his stomach as he realized what he'd just done.

"I- I didn't mean-. I'm so-"
Draco put a finger against Harry's lips and looked up at him curiously. Then, without a word, he slowly reached up and brushed his lips against Harry's.


Draco looked at him with wide eyes and moved his hands to either side of himself and pushed up so that he was nose to nose with Harry.

"Hello," He whispered, before wrapping his arms around Harry and crushing their mouths together.

Harry responded enthusiastically. He rocked back so that Draco was the one in his lap and held him as close as possible. Draco's kiss claimed his breath and with every sweep of Draco's tongue Harry lost himself further.

Only when they were both shivering too much to continue did they separate. Harry brushed away a strand of Draco's hair and grinned.

"We should go inside."

"Yeah," Draco mumbled.

"Someone might see us."
"Let them, I don't care," Draco said, before hesitating and looking back at Harry. "Do you care?"

Harry's grin widened. "Not in the slightest. It's just cold."

Draco picked himself up and brushed away the snow that clung to his robe and cloak. Harry looked at him from where he sat with a sort of dazed, bemused grin. Draco made a face at him before helping him to his feet. Harry didn't pass up the chance to kiss him again. Draco swatted him away and led him back towards the castle.

When they got to the entrance, Harry took Draco's hand and silently showed him the way to the Gryffindor dormitory. A fire roared in the empty common room. They quickly pushed a couch as close to the fire as they could without scorching themselves, discarded their sodden cloaks, and curled next to each other by the fire.

Harry looked down at Draco who was dozing peacefully against his chest. He smiled and tucked a piece of the boy's hair behind his ear. He kissed him gently on the forehead. His eyelids grew heavy and he soon drifted off to sleep.

When the Gryffindors began drifting back to their dorms, they found the two boys curled against each other and sound asleep. 

A/N: Sometimes all I want to write is nice fluffy little things to make me happy. 

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