The Daily Prophet- Drarry

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Draco opened the door to Harry' and his flat. "Harry," He called out, walking towards the kitchen. "I'm home!"

There was a muffled grunt as a response.

He came in to see Harry with his head buried in his hands and his shoulders shaking.

"Harry!" He cried, rushing over and dropping to his knees next to him. "What's wrong, love?"

Harry lifted his head, unable to speak from laughing so hard. "I- I can't-" He trailed off, burying his face once more in his hands.

Draco scowled. "Dammit Harry, I thought there was something wrong."

"I-I'm sorry," Harry choked out it. "It's just-" He pushed over the newspaper in front of him. "Rita Skeeter is writing again apparently."

Draco looked down at the Daily Prophet. It was open to an article titled, 'Harry Potter: The Boy Who Loved? There was a picture of him and Harry on their last trip to Diagon Alley. They were holding hands and Draco was laughing at something Harry had said. Draco's eyes moved down to scan the article.

He sniffed angrily once he was finished. "I don't see what's so funny about it. It's completely ludicrous!"

"Exactly!" Harry gasped. "She's out of her mind. It's hilarious!"

"Harry, she called me a Death Eater!"

Harry fell silent, his eyes darting down to where the Dark Mark on Draco's arm peeked out from underneath his sleeve.

Draco's eyes went wide with fury. "I never wanted it."

"I know that," Harry said softly.

"Well, the rest of the world doesn't," Draco snapped. Then he got up and stormed into their bedroom and slammed the door loudly.

Harry sighed heavily and followed him. "Draco, I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it like that."

There was a loud thump as something hit the door. Harry frowned and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Draco," he whined. "I'm sorry!"

Another thump came from the other side.

"Stop acting like a child," Harry sighed heavily. "Let me in!"

There was an outraged gasp and the door opened slightly. "I am not acting like a child, Potter!" Draco hissed, then slammed the door shut again.

Harry growled and pulled out his wand. "Alhomora!" He whispered and the door opened with a click.

He entered the room cautiously. Draco was slumped on the floor leaning against the foot of the bed. He looked up as Harry entered and turned away with a soft sound of annoyance.

"Draco, I'm sorry for laughing. It wasn't all that funny."

"She called me a Death Eater. She said that I was using a love potion!" Draco sounded genuinely upset.

"I didn't know that you would take it so seriously. Skeeter writes whatever the hell she wants. No one pays her any attention anymore."

"I just- it's so unreal sometimes. I wonder if their right, if you really love me or if it's just pity." Draco looked at his hands. "I couldn't stand it if you left me, Harry?"

Harry dropped to his knees beside him. "Draco... I'd never. I love you more than anything!"

Draco rubbed his eyes. "I know. I just don't always believe it. Sometimes I don't feel lovable."

Harry pulled Draco against him and hugged him hard. "You are the most lovable man in the world."

"Thank you. I love you." Draco wrapped an arm around Harry's neck and kissed him softly.

"If anyone tells you that you're anything other than amazing I'll hex them." Harry murmured and kissed him back.

"You're incredible," Draco said, his voice full of awe. "I never want to leave this room."

Harry dropped his head to nestle against Draco's neck and let out a half-laugh, half-groan. "Will you kill me if I tell you Mione and Ron invited us over for dinner?"

Draco pulled back and sighed. "Did you respond?"

"Maybe," Harry winced. "I can cancel though."

"No, no. It's okay. It's been forever since we've seen them," Draco pushed Harry off of him and used Harry's shoulder to push himself up.

Harry let out a noise of protest before getting up.

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