Studying- Pansmione!

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Pansy groaned and draped herself dramatically across a chair. "Do we have to stay here?" She said loudly. "I'm bored."

Hermione rolled her eyes at her girlfriend and put a book back on the shelf. "Exams are coming up. We have to study."

Pansy frowned. "Speak for yourself, darling. I don't need to study for anything."

"And this is why you had me tutor you at the beginning of last year," Hermione rolled her eyes again and reached for another book.

"It's not like you were complaining," Pansy said with a smug grin.

Hermione tossed a balled-up piece of paper at her girlfriend and tried not to blush. "You're going to fail the N.E.W.T.s if you aren't careful," She warned.

"You're the one whose going to have a REAL job anyway," Pansy said. "I'll be too busy with my modeling."

"It never ceases to amaze me that you, a pureblood with death-eater parents, managed to get into muggle modeling," Hermione shook her head and laughed.

"Someone had to teach them how to do it properly."

Hermione walked over to Pansy, staggering under the weight of over a dozen books. Pansy watched as she set them down on the table with a loud bang and sat down beside her.

"You're a genius you know, for coming up with the idea to put a silencing spell around us to get Pince off our backs."

"That is not the only reason I'm a genius, but thank you."

Pansy set her head in her hands and watched her girlfriend as she hunched over one of the books. Her frizzy hair fell in her eyes as her eyes roamed across the pages at an alarming speed.

"You work too much, darling," Pansy said quietly. "It wouldn't kill you to take a break every once and awhile."

"I have to get ahead while I can," Hermione muttered.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"I'll sleep when I'm dead," Hermione mumbled and buried her nose deeper into her book.

"Well that's hardly healthy, now is it?" Pansy snapped back.

"Don't lecture me about healthy habits," Hermione snapped back. "Don't think I didn't notice those diets you used to do."

Pansy stiffened. "My mother pressured me into those and I haven't done one since they disowned me."

Hermione's head snapped up. "Shit, Pans, I forgot..."

"It's fine," Pansy said shortly.

"No, it's not, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mean. I know it isn't healthy what I'm doing to myself, but I just can't do badly on these exams. It feels as if my entire future depends on it."

"I suppose, for you, it does," Pansy sighed. "I've always had my parent's money to fall back on. I should start caring the way you do, but it's hard to break habits I've let flourish since I was eleven."

Hermione smiled. "I can help, you know. Studying and organization are kind of a specialty of mine."

"Oh really?" Pansy grinned back. "I had no idea."

"Rude," Hermione said, but the words had no bite in them as she leaned forward and kissed Pansy softly, pulling away before it could farther.

"Tease," Pansy groaned but settled back in her chair.

Hermione back at her book and over at her girlfriend. The table they were sitting at was tucked away among bookshelves, hidden from sight unless you walked directly by it and happened to look.

Hermione kissed her hard on the lips and Pansy squeaked in a surprised sort of way.

"What happened to studying?"

"It can wait," Hermione smirked.

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