Voicemail- Drarry

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H-Hey Mal-Draco. Sorry, still not used to calling you that. I'm just calling... fuck. I didn't plan on you not picking up. I need to talk to you about something serious. Not that serious. I don't know. Just, call me back as soon as you can.

* * *

Fuck you, Harry Potter. You can't just... confess your feelings for someone over text. You can't do that and not respond. . .

Look, I like you too. A lot actually. I don't mean to be harsh. Please call me.

* * *

Hey babe. It's Harry. I'm just calling to check on you. To check on my boyfriend. Fuck, I love calling you that. Okay bye. Love you.

* * *

Fuck, I just realized what I said. I'm such an idiot I didn't mean. . . Well, I meant it actually. I do love you. Is this too soon? It feels too soon. I'm sorry I'm such a mess. Okay bye. Please don't hate me or freak out or anything.

* * *

Hey Harry. I mean, maybe it is too soon. Does it matter? You love me, I love you. I mean, I think I do. I'm like 90% sure I do. I've never been in love before. Does it normally reduce people into a rambling mess? That's what you turn me into. Fuck, I love you. Call me.

* * *

Fuck shit fuck. I messed up. I messed up bad. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm never going to stop apologizing. I'm sorry. Please forgive me Draco. I fucked up so bad. I'm sorry.

* * *

Yeah, you messed up, love. What, you thought I wouldn't care? Did you think that the fact that you were drunk would change anything? Fuck you Harry Potter. You don't get to sweep through and fuck up my life for good, you piece of shit. Don't call, don't text, don't come fucking near me. We are done.

* * *

I know we broke up, but Ron and Hermione are harassing me. Nobody's seen or heard from you in two days. Is this my fault? I'm sorry, okay? I was upset. You get it right? I was really pissed. Be okay, please. You have so many people that love you. Please don't hurt them by leaving.

* * *

Harry, please respond. Everyone's worried. Please be okay.

* * *

Fuck Harry. You can't disappear. Please, even just a text to show you're okay. I love you.

* * *

Hermione called, I know why you haven't been responding. I know that you're never going to respond again. At least you weren't the one that did it. It's a stupid comfort knowing I didn't drive you to finally killing yourself. Some dumbass in a truck beat you to it. Or maybe that was your plan, meet that stupid driver head-on. You're an idiot Harry Potter. Were an idiot. You were my idiot. I love you. Loved you. Does loving change to the past tense when someone dies? I keep hoping you'll call. I keep thinking that it's all a bad dream, that I'll wake up and you'll be beside me. You never cheated and you're alive. That's all I want. I love you.

* * *

It's been a year. I met someone, a girl. My dad is ecstatic. He's such an idiot when it comes to my sexuality. Her name is Astoria. She's great. Kinda reminds me of you. I miss you. I still love you. Fuck, it's never going to stop hurting, is it? I'm always going to love you, Harry.

* * *

I think I'm going to propose to Astoria. I love her. Not the way I loved you, but no one will ever make me feel the way you did. Ron and Hermione got married. A month ago. Thought you'd like to know.

* * *

I have a son! I've never been happier. Holy shit I'm a dad. I'm flipping out. I haven't called this number in years. I wonder what happened to your phone? Hermione never said if they found it when they, when they found you. . .

Now I'm crying. Even after 5 years, you're still making me cry, Harry Potter.

* * *

It's been almost 7 years since your death. The thought of you doesn't make my heart ache anymore. Pictures of you don't make me want to cry. Talking about you, about us makes me nostalgic, not sad. I did it. I'm finally over you Harry Potter. I loved you for so long, it's strange. You will always be my greatest 'what if.' I couldn't have saved you but if you had lived, maybe we could've been married, had kids. I would have liked that. Did you know I was planning on proposing before you cheated? I was going to ask you to be my husband. Imagine that?

I'm not going to call you again, I don't need to anymore.

* * *

Hey Draco. It's me, Harry. I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I cheated. I'm sorry I made you all think I was dead. I'll explain it all, I promise. Just give me some time. When can we meet?

A/N: I found this prompt about a story told entirely through voicemail and got this idea. It's kind of bad but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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