Obligatory Coffee Shop AU - Drarry

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A/N: The obligatory coffee shop AU that every fanfic author is required to write at some point in their fanfic writing career. It's a tiny little meet-cute, and it's barely 700 words. There is a slur but it's not really used in a malicious way. I hope you enjoy.

Your genderfluidnightmare.

Harry stumbled through the door of the coffee shop that was below his flat. He'd shockingly never been there before, but 6:30 am was too early for any reasonable human to be awake and he had a class in an hour. He needed caffeine before he collapsed. 

He groaned quietly and dragged his feet towards the counter. Thankfully, the shop was empty and he could act as zombie-like as he wanted. He mumbled out his order without looking at the barista as he fumbled in his pockets for cash.

He handed the barista his money and finally got a proper look at his face. Holy shit, he thought and his face burned as a startled squeak escaped from his lips. The barista gave him a strange look and turned away. 

Harry scuttled to a seat where he could stare at the barista unabashedly. The boy's long blond hair fell in his face as he worked. His face was set in concentration and incredibly attractive His long-fingered hands were steady as he made the drink. He has a pianist's hands, Harry thought giddily. 

Harry texted Ginny quickly, all while stealing glances at the pretty barista


G: fuck u potter

H: Heeeelllppp meee

G: get his number and screw him u disaster gay

H: Did you somehow not hear me? Pretty! Boy!

G: fuck off i'm sleeping

Harry set down his phone as the pretty barista called out his name. Harry walked up to the counter and as he grabbed his drink, his fingers brushed against the baristas. Their eyes met. His were startling gray and kind. They shone silver in the fluorescent lighting of the coffee shop.

Harry's face burned as he stammered out a thank you. The boy nodded and smiled as Harry practically ran back to his table. Harry pulled out his laptop and stared at the blank screen while he tried to calm his pounding heart.

"May I sit?" A soft, almost melodic voice asked.

Harry looked up to the barista who leaned with one hand braced on the table across from him. "Y-yes," he stammered. 

The barista smiled and slumped into the chair. "There's no one else here and you looked lonely all by yourself."

Harry nodded a bit too quickly. "What's your name?" He blurted out.

"Draco," The boy tapped his shiny black name tag.

Harry nodded again and his cheeks burned.

Draco seemed well aware of the effect he had on Harry and smiled smugly as he ran his eyes up and down Harry.

"You're rather fit," He purred.

Harry squeaked and turned even redder which made Draco's smirk widen. 

"You a student?" He continued, hardly stopping to acknowledge Harry's nod. "So am I. what're you studying?"

Harry shrugged as the tension in his shoulder eased slightly. "Everything, I suppose."

"Ooh, sounds nice. I went for an easy choice like an idiot. I'm stuck myself in Voice Performance freshman year and haven't had the time to get out of it."

"You don't like it?"

"It won't lead to any valid career paths. At least not for me. 


"My father wants me to take over the family business," Draco rolled his eyes. "And since singing is for queers, he's very disappointed."

"Ah," Harry winced.

"Course he doesn't know his own child is the biggest f*g in this damned school." 

Harry was startled at Draco's language. "I think I might be a bit of competition for that spot."

Draco smiled widely and leaned closer. "I don't suppose that you'd-"

He was interrupted by the loud pealing of Harry's phone. He shut off the alarm and let out a string of colorful curses. Then he grabbed a pen and Draco's arm

"I have to go to my class," he said, jotting down his number on Draco's open palm. "Call me."

With that, he gathered his things and ran out of the shop. As he rounded the corner, his phone dinged with a text from an unknown number.

-Drinks on Saturday? It read.

Harry grinned and typed out his response.

H: I can't wait

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