Scars - Drarry

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Warning: Self harm, I guess? It's mentioned. If that's a trigger for you, please for the love of god don't read this one.
Harry sighs and closes his book softly. Draco barely looks up up from the book he is engrossed in beside him.

Harry risks a glance over at him. Blond hair tumbles over Draco's unreadable gray eyes. They've been working in the library for hours. People have filtered out and now they are the only ones left. It seems even Pince has forgotten them, hidden away in the bookshelves.

Draco finally yawns and shuts his book with a quiet snap. "Ready to go?" He asks, turning to Harry.

He nods quickly and looks away. Red tinges his cheeks as he realizes he'd almost been caught staring.

He and Draco, they are . . . something. Their friendship had been the most surprising thing to come out of his return for an eighth year at Hogwarts. But even he can't deny the strange tension between them. It isn't the hatred he'd once thought he felt, but something new.

Draco looks him over and gives him a little smile. "Sorry for keeping you so late."

"I don't mind," Harry says, a bit too rushed to be casual.

Draco's mouth tilts up even more. He shifts a bit closer to Harry and clears his throat.

"I was wondering," Draco says nervously. "If you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? Like as a date?"

Harry opens his mouth in surprise. "I'd love that!"

"Yeah?" Draco smiles and looks up at Harry through his eyelashes. "Fantastic."

He reaches across the space between them and takes Harry's hand. He gives it a gentle squeeze. Harry can barely contain the grin that stretches across his face.

Draco opens his mouth to say something, but closes it and instead gives a confused frown as he focuses on Harry's wrist. Harry's heart leaps to his throat as Draco pushes back his sleeve to reveal the harsh red lines that decorate his arms and wrists.

Silence presses in from all sides. Harry rushes for an explanation, an excuse. Anything but the truth.

Finally Draco speaks. "Why?"

"To feel." Harry's voice sounds so harsh in his ears.

Draco traces a finger over a particularly bad gash. He's still frowning as he says, "Do you're friends not know, or do they simply not care."

"Nobody knows."

Draco nods slowly and pulls Harry's sleeve back down. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Harry shakes his head. "Their older. I haven't in a little while."

"They're not that old, Harry."

"I've never gone more than a few days. It's nearly been two weeks."

"Let people help. Let them in. This isn't a burden you should carry yourself."

"The story they tell themselves doesn't work if their hero is broken," Harry swallows.

Draco looks up, finally meeting his eyes. "The story they tell is hardly ever the truth."

Harry pulls back his hand. He looks down at his clenched fist, at the scars that peek over the top of his sleeve. He looks back at Draco.

Draco's eyes are sad. There isn't any of the disappointment Harry expected.

"I'm always here if you need to talk."

Harry still doesn't speak.

Draco pats Harry's knee and withdraws his hand. He busies himself with tidying up his things and preparing to leave.

"I'm afraid- I'm afraid that no one will want me if I'm broken."

Draco looks over at Harry. His eyes are downcast and unreadable.

"I used to think the same way," he says carefully. "But I still want you, Harry. And I think many of your friends will feel the same."

Harry smiles shakily and stands up. "Thank you."

Draco stands too, swinging his bag over his shoulder as he goes. "We should go back to the dorms."

They make their way to the eighth year dormitory. They pause at their separate doors. Harry knows that Ron will still be up, anxiously waiting for his return. He does that every night. He can't sleep unless he knows Harry is safe.

He wonders if anyone does the same for Draco, if anyone still cares enough to worry.

Harry steps in close to Draco and hugs him. The warm scent wraps around him and Harry leans into the hug with a contended smile.

Draco pulls back, Harry's smile mirrored on his face.

"Thank you," Harry murmurs, his hand already on the door handle.

"Your welcome," Draco whispers back. "See you Saturday?"

Harry grins and nods before disappearing into he and Ron's room.

A/N: I know there's a gazillion self harm drarry fanfics out there but I feel that awareness is important. If any of you self-harm, please reach out to someone. I'm going to list a few resources and know that I'm always happy to talk if that's what you need.
Stay safe.
Your genderfluidnightmare.

Resources (Google any of these to get numbers and information):

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (I think this is only in the US).
Crisis Text Line (if you aren't comfortable calling).
International Association for Suicide Prevention (they have lists of hotlines all over the world).

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