Sweater- Drarry

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"Have you seen my sweater?" Draco shouted.

There was no response from Harry. Draco frowned. He knew that Harry was home, he'd heard the gigantic buffoon tromping about the kitchen only a few hours ago.

"Harry!" He shouted again.

There was a muffled call of acknowledgment. Draco scowled and made his way through their bedroom and towards the kitchen.

"I said, have you seen my sweater, you deaf arsehole!" Draco growled as he rounded the corner into the living area. He could see Harry sitting at the table with his head shoved deep in a familiar green sweater.

Draco let out a rumbling growl as he stalked over to Harry. "Potter, you fucker."

"It was cold," Harry grinned over the edge of the sweater. His eyes had a playful spark as he took a slow sip from the mug clasped in his hands. The sleeves were a bit too long and they slid over his fingers.

Draco's heart melted a little at the sight of a Harry in his clothes, but he forced his face into a glare and settled back on his heels.

"I came home after a long day at work expecting my favorite sweater and a nice mug of tea, and instead I find that my absolute wanker of a boyfriend thought it'd be nice to steal it!"

"It's cold at the office. And you know Seidman doesn't let me do any fieldwork."

"Yes, yes, your boss is a pillock, no excuse to go stealing my clothes. You've got hundreds of sweaters from Mrs. Weasley."

Harry mumbled something into the folds of the sweater and avoided Draco's eyes.

"What was that, darling? An apology I hope."

"Smells like you," Harry said again, flushing slightly.

Draco finally let a grin creep over his face. "Smells like me? Is that why you insist on stealing my clothes at every moment?"

Harry stuck his tongue out at Draco and burrowed further into his sweater. "Don't be mean!"

Draco threw back his head and laughed. "You could just ask, you know."

"But it's so much more fun to watch you run around looking for it."

Draco walked over to Harry leaned over him. "Git," He murmured fondly as he leaned in and kissed him softly.

Harry pulled away grinning, "Does that mean I can keep it?"

"Absolutely not!"

A/N: It's kinda short, but I was reading a bunch of fluff one-shots and got inspired.
Edit: I forgot to name this the first time I published it.

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