Marriage Part 2 - Drarry

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Harry ran his fingers through his hair and looked down at the letter again. He bit his lip and looked away. He couldn't stand to see it, the words written out in Draco's neat handwriting. It confirmed all his worst fears. He would never be as important as Draco's heritage and money was to him.

Marriage, the word made him queasy. The words Draco and married should never be in a sentence together unless Harry's name was involved as well. But here it was. Draco was to be married, and he wanted Harry at the wedding.

Harry growled and stood up angrily, stalking about the flat and running his hands through his messy hair.

Someone banged on the floor and shouted through the floorboards. "Hey! Quit pacing!"

Harry stamped his foot hard on the ground in response and the person in the flat below grew silent.

Harry walked over to his desk and took out a piece of paper and his pen. His hand hovered above the paper with the pen clasped tightly in his white-knuckled fingers. He couldn't write what he wanted to say. No, this needed to be said in person. Preferably in private.


I got your letter. We need to talk.

Yours, H.

Harry finished writing in his messy scrawl and shoved the letter into an envelope. He hastily addressed and ran out of the house to send it.

When he returned, he flopped into his chair and dropped his head into his hands. It wasn't supposed to be like this. But with what Draco was proposing... Well, Harry couldn't live like that.


There was a brisk knock on the door that had Harry scrambling for his robe and rubbing sleep from his eyes. It was well after 10 a.m. but on his days off, Harry rarely woke before noon. He opened the door, expecting his friend Ron or Ron's fiancée, Hermione. Instead, Draco stared back at him, beaming and crusted from head to toe in dust and mud.

"Draco," Harry gasped, running his hands through his hair and attempting to tame his appearance. It had only been a few days but it felt like ages since he'd last seen his lover.

"Hello, Harry," Draco smiled wider and stepped in. "No need to tidy yourself, I've seen you in the mornings before."

Draco laughed but stopped when Harry didn't join in. "Darling, what's wrong?" Draco asked, stepping forward, a concerned look growing on his face.

"What's wrong?" Harry cried. "What's wrong? You are getting married! You expect me to be okay with that?"

"Tori and I have an agreement. She doesn't like men, you see. She's like us."

"Oh yes, that makes you getting married perfectly okay!" Harry spat. "What about us? What about what we have?"

"It doesn't have to stop. I love you, more than anything in the world, Harry."

"But not more than your father's money," Harry growled. "Get out of my house."

"No, this way I can have it all. I can have you, my father's money, and my parents' approval," Draco cried. "Please, Harry, I can't live without you!"

Harry shook his head. "Get out of my flat. I won't get wrapped up in some scheme that will inevitably lead to disaster and ruin for us both. I won't. I can't."

"Harry," Draco gasped, his pained face cutting Harry to his very core. "Please, I can't live without you, please!"

Harry shook his head, his face stony and impassive. "Leave."

Draco was shaking and sobbing as he ran from the flat. The minute he left, Harry sank to the floor, clutching himself and shaking from deep heaving sobs that rose from within him and spilled out.

"Harry?" A soft voice called from outside the open door. "Harry, are you alright?"

A red-haired girl with a face of freckles and a loose-fitting, patched up dress walked into the room. "Oh dear," She said. "That sounded nasty."

Harry could only hold his stomach and sob.

The girl knelt beside him and put a gentle, gloved hand on his back. "Come on, dear. Up you go."

Harry let the girl help him to his feet and towards the table at the center of the room.

The girl bustled through his kitchenette, lighting his stove and starting a kettle boiling. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked Harry as she sat down across from him.

"He...He left," Harry said faintly. "Ginny, he's getting married. He left me."

"Oh, darling, I'm so sorry," Ginny wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "You don't deserve this."

"I love him," Harry sobbed into her shoulder. "I thought he loved me."

"He's a coward," Ginny said firmly. "And you deserve so much better than a man that's too afraid of losing his father's money to be with the man he loves."

"He wanted to marry a girl, to keep me as some sort of mistress," Harry spat. "I won't live like that."

"Of course not, darling," Ginny said as the kettle began to whistle. She got up and started making tea.

When she set down a steaming mug in front of Harry, he said: "I thought he really cared about me."

"He did. In whatever twisted way that Draco Malfoy cares about people," Ginny said tenderly.

Harry looked at the mug, anger draining from his eyes. "He left," he repeated dully.

"I know," Ginny sighed and ran a hand through Harry's hair. "He made a mistake."

"I should never have gotten involved with him." Harry's fingers rested around the mug.

"Love is a fickle thing, my dear. You never could have stopped yourself."

"But I should have!"

"Do you really wish that none of it had happened, dear? You've been happier than I've ever seen you. Would you wish that all away?"

"Yes!" Harry cried. "Anything to not feel this," he put his hand over his heart and doubled over again, sobbing like he'd lost a limb.

Ginny took him in her arms and rocked back and forth, murmuring into his hair. "It'll be alright, love. You'll survive this, just as you've survived everything else."

Harry didn't believe her words. His world had been ripped asunder and he'd felt as if it would never be the same again.

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