Request 1 - Bleville

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This is the first request that I'm writing. It was requested by petrazini. I accept requests for ships (nothing weird) and any plots that you may want to read, but don't want to write yourself. My only rules are no smut and no giant age gaps like Snarry or something.

"I'm just saying, mate," Harry said. "There are quite a few fit blokes at the school who might be interested. We've got no problems setting you up with someone."

Neville sighed. He really was glad that his roommates were so accepting, he just wished they'd be less enthusiastic about it. 

"I've already told you, I'm perfectly happy being single," Neville said, stabbing at his dinner. It wasn't completely true, of course. But he couldn't exactly tell them, now could he?

"Nev, c'mon," Ron snorted. "We're your friends."

Neville raised an eyebrow as he looked at Ron. "Honestly, I'm not fifteen anymore. I'm perfectly secure in myself without having a significant other."

"But wouldn't it be so much better with a boyfriend?" Harry asked.

"Harry, stop projecting your problems on to me. If you'd be happier with a boyfriend, I'm sure Draco would be happy to admit that he's reciprocated your feelings since the fifth year."

Harry turned red. "That's not- I mean. Er- I'm not. . . I don't even. .  . he has?"

Neville smirked and turned back to his mashed potatoes. He'd found that after the War and aiding in the defeat of Voldemort, there was little that could scare him anymore. Particularly nosy friends and their probing questions. 

Then again, it wasn't about his fear.

"I'm happy just trying to pass my N.E.W.T.'s. A boyfriend is more distraction than I need." 

"What about dates," Ron asked desperately. "You're eighteen for Merlin's sake, at least go on a few dates. Even Hermione's been out to Hogsmeade with a few girls."

Neville rolled his eyes and stood up. "If you two won't shove off and leave it alone, then I'm going upstairs. I've got some Potions homework that I've got to catch up on."

"Aw, Neville, we're sorry."

"I'm just not looking for a relationship right now."

"Yeah, we're sorry," Harry, at least looked somewhat ashamed. "We'll lay off."

"For now," Ron muttered, watching Neville walk away. 

Hermione slid into Neville's empty seat. "Have you two been harassing poor Nev again?"

"We just want him to be happy," Ron protested. "I don't see why he's being so resistant."

Hermione rolled her eyes and pulled a plate of ham over to her. "He's obviously been seeing someone in secret."

"What?" Harry said. "Neville?"

"Haven't you noticed all the little notes he finds, and how he's been sneaking off every afternoon since practically the beginning of the year?"

Ron and Harry gaped at her. 

She snorted. "Figures, you two were always so oblivious. Anyways, my guess is someone from Slytherin. He looks over there quite often. He's not as sneaky as he thinks."

"How did I not notice," Harry muttered. "We live with him!"

"No offense, dear, but there is a reason you weren't sorted into Ravenclaw. You aren't very observant."

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