Sectumsempra- Drarry

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The soft sound of tears came from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom as Harry walked passed. Usually, he'd keep on walking, it was probably just some girl who had been dumped. But the sound was more male and filled with anguish that went beyond a simple heartbreak.

Harry opened the door cautiously. A flash of familiar blond hair had him striding into the room and reaching for his wand. Draco Malfoy stood in the center, sobbing as he turned his wand towards him.
Harry's hands shook as he opened his mouth, "Sec-sectumsempra." Draco's eyes rose to meet his as a flash of light erupted from Harry's wand.

"No!" Harry lunged for Draco as he toppled over, blood spurting from the large cut in his chest.

"No no no," Harry gasped softly as he knelt by his rival. He'd known of his feelings for the boy for quite some time now, but knew they could never be returned.

The gray in Draco's eyes sparkled with tears and pain. Harry ripped Draco's shirt away to find the cut and stop the bleeding.

Draco's hands pushed feebly at Harry's. "It's fine, I'm fine."

"Fuck no you aren't! You're bleeding out. I'm an idiot. Fuck," Harry swore, scrambling to his feet and trying to heave Draco up.

"How eloquently put Potter," Draco sneered. "And yes, you are an idiot."

"Now is not the time for this Malfoy," Harry attempted to pull Malfoy to his feet. "Now come on, we have to get you to the hospital wing."

Draco pressed his hands to the cut and stood up, leaning heavily onto Harry. The pair turned and staggered to the door, dripping blood as they went.

"Can we rest, I'm feeling a bit lightheaded," Draco panted.

Harry only tightened his grip on Draco's waist and started walking faster.

"Potter, I asked if we could stop," Draco scowled.

"Yes, that means that you're losing more blood then is safe, and you need to get to the hospital wing, now!" Harry grit his teeth and turned a corner.

The corridors were blissfully empty as most students were in class or somewhere else in the castle. Harry didn't feel like having to explain why he was hauling his bleeding nemesis through the corridors.

Finally, they reached the hospital wing. Draco had fallen silent a while back, and Harry hoped it wasn't because he'd passed out.

Madame Pomfrey took one look at Draco and sighed. "You boys are always in some sort of trouble." Then she levitated Draco into a bed and swished the curtain closed.

Harry settled into a chair. What had just happened hit him like a train. He'd almost killed Draco, the boy he'd been hopelessly in love with since the fourth year. This couldn't be healthy, the constant back and forth of his emotions towards Draco. Sometimes he wanted nothing more than to shove Draco against a wall and snog him senseless. Other times he wanted to throttle the arrogant git.

Harry put his head in his hands and sighed heavily. He had no idea what to do. Draco was bound to wonder why Harry had bothered to try and save him. If he put two and two together, well it could be disastrous. Pomfrey swished the curtains aside and walked into her office, leaving Harry alone with Draco.

Harry looked at Draco warily. He was staring at the ceiling with bandages wrapped around his bare chest. Harry moved a little closer and Draco looked over at him.

"Hello, Harry," he smiled.

"Hullo," Harry sat down on the chair beside the bed. "I'm sorry for nearly killing you."

"Ah, this? This is nothing. Remember the third year?"

"When Buckbeak cut you a little bit and you milked it for all it was worth for three months?" Harry tried not to let his grin show.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Alright, so I'm a bit dramatic. Everyone's got faults. Even you, the great Harry Potter has them."

"I'll be the first to admit that," Harry laughed. It was so easy to be kind. He kind of wished they could be friendly to each other like this more often.

"So what are a few of your faults, if we're sharing," Draco raised an eyebrow and grinned competitively."

"For one, I attack the people I fancy in bathrooms apparently," Harry said half-joking.

"W-What?" Draco's voice cracked and Harry's stomach plummeted as he realized what he said.

"Fuck, oh I really am an idiot," Harry dropped his head into his hands.

"You. . . Me. . .  fancy??" Draco spluttered. "You-you fancy me?"

Harry tried not to wince at his tone. "Yes, I like you. It's pathetic and stupid I know, but I can't help it."

Draco was silent.

"Alright then. I'm going to leave," Harry said, his heart sinking into his stomach. "You obviously don't feel the same."

Harry turned and headed to the door of the hospital wing.

"Wait!" Draco cried. "Wait, Harry. Come back."

Harry turned around, hope rising inside once more. Draco was sitting up, clutching at his stomach with a grimace.

"Shit!" Harry hurried over. "Lay back down, don't hurt yourself." He pushed Draco lightly on the shoulder so that he fell against the pillows with a soft groan.

"Harry-" Draco reached out a grasped the hand that was still resting on his shoulder. He brought it between them and looked at Harry with a hesitant smile. "I like you too." His voice trembled slightly and a tremor shook through his hand.

Harry nearly fell over in relief. A whimper fell from his lips. "Draco, can-can I kiss you?"

Draco nodded quickly, leaning forward slightly. Harry kept staring into his sparkling gray eyes as he connected their lips, soft and tentative.

Draco gasped, the hand that wasn't still holding Harry's rising to clasp the back of Harry's neck. Harry pressed closer until Draco's chest was pressed against his and wrapped his free arm around him, pulling him as close as possible. Draco's mouth opened and he let out a half-groan half-whimper as Harry's tongue danced out and met his.

The kiss was everything Harry'd been waiting for, for longer than he cared to admit. They sat and kissed until they were dizzy and giddy.

Harry pulled away and Draco whimpered again.

"Why'd you stop?" He whined, trying to push forward to connect their lips again.

Harry felt a laugh building in his throat. "This is just- less than an hour ago I almost killed you. Maybe we should slow down?"

"Or maybe you need to kiss me now before I hex you into next week," Draco growled. "Forgive and forget and all that. Now kiss me."

"So demanding," Harry teased.

Draco only smashed their mouths together. Harry let out a low moan and opened his mouth to meet him.

Harry pulled away once again with a sigh. "Draco, everyone can see us."

"Let them see, I never cared what they thought," Draco snarled, attempting to connect their lips once more.

"Really? So you wouldn't mind going to Hogsmeade with me next week?" Harry asked, blocking Draco again.

"Sure, whatever it takes to get you to fucking kiss me again," Draco's turned soft and whiny.

"Mmhm. And what if I asked you to be my boyfriend?" Harry tried to sound casual but his heart pounded in his chest.

"Harry!" Draco cried. "Yes, now kiss me!"

Harry tipped back his head and laughed. Draco took that as permission to crash their lips together in a searing kiss.

A/N: I'm taking requests. I won't write smut or any weird ships, but message me with a ship and/or prompt and I will write a oneshot.

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