Voicemail Part 3 - Drarry

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Harry? Hey love, I'm on my way home with Scorp. Be there in ten minutes.

*               *              *

I'm home, where are you? Call me.

*               *             *

Harry Potter, it's been hours since anyone's seen or heard you. Where the fuck are you?

*              *               *

Draco fingered the ring on his hand. Three years had passed since Harry's miraculous return from the dead. He and Tori had been divorced for two, and he'd been married to Harry for one. 

It had been a tumultuous few years.

Harry had not adjusted well to a calm life. His life had been full of adventure in the seven years he'd been 'dead.' Draco's family life didn't quite compare to what he had become used to.

Then there was the drinking. 

Draco understood that Harry had seen things while he was gone. He knew that there were demons that he had yet to face. But the habit was verging on dangerous. More times then Draco cared to admit, had he been called in to pick Harry up from the police or the emergency room. He was beginning to wonder about the influence Harry would have on Scorpius.

He'd let Tori take Scorp most of the time. She'd been so kind during the divorce, so willing to step aside for Harry to sweep back into Draco's life. He'd been hesitant to admit the problems that Harry was having. But when it began impacting Scorp, he knew he needed him out of the house until Harry could clean up his act. 

Speaking of which. 

The door that led from the driveway to the kitchen swung open. Harry stumbled in, mumbling a drunken song and wobbling precariously on his feet. 

"'Ello, Draco," he slurred as he caught sight of his husband. "Didjya stay up waiting for me?"

Draco gritted his teeth and glanced at the clock on the stove. The neon letters read 12:00 a.m. "We need to talk."

Harry nodded and grinned. "I 'gree! I've been kicked out of the pub again. Th'said I'm not allowed back."

Draco sighed and fiddled with his wedding ring. "Harry, you need to stop."

"Stop what?" Harry furrowed his brow and grabbed the back of a chair to keep himself from falling over completely. 

"The drinking, the fighting, all of it."

"Dunno what you mean?" 

Draco sighed again and rubbed his temples. "I can't do this right now. We'll talk in the morning when you're sober."

Harry frowned. "You're mad."

"Acute observation, Potter," Draco snapped as he stood. "I'm going to bed. You," He said viciously. "Are sleeping on the couch. 


Draco only turned and stormed up the stairs, towards their bedroom. 

*                 *                  *

Harry groaned and rubbed his eyes. His head pounded mercilessly. Light shone through the living room curtains. He stretched and sat up carefully. Then he caught sight of the small boy with blond hair and solemn expression, seated carefully on the chair opposite the couch Harry was laying on. 

"Hey Scorp," Harry yawned. 

"Hullo Harry," Scorpius said politely. "Are you alright?"

"Just a little under the weather, that's all."

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