Voicemail Part 2- Drarry

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Hey Draco. It's me, Harry. I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I cheated. I'm sorry I made you all think I was dead. I'll explain it all, I promise. Just give me some time. When can we meet?
* * *
Draco ran his hands through his hair and tried not to cry again. He could hear Astoria in the other room singing Scorp to sleep. He dug his fingernails into his hand in an attempt to anchor him to reality.

That voicemail had brought up every painful emotion Draco had learned to shove away, every memory and moment with Harry that he'd suppressed. Yes, he was happy now, but it wasn't like it was when he was with Harry.

With Harry, everything had been perfect. They'd been young and stupidly in love but it was perfect. Then Harry'd screwed up everything and then died, leaving Draco with nothing but the broken pieces of his heart.

But Harry wasn't dead. At least he wasn't according to the voicemail. Harry was alive and well and Draco didn't know what to think.

He put his fist against his mouth to stop the sob that rose from his throat. He refused to shed any more tears over the selfish man that broke his heart and left him.

Astoria came into the study. "Scorp's asleep." Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Draco. "What happened? What's wrong?"

Draco didn't have it in himself to hide anything for her so he played her the message. As she listened, her face grew pale and her eyes widened.

"Oh my god," she whispered when it was done. "That's Harry?"

"Sounds like him, sounds like something he'd do, the bloody tosser," Draco grumbled. "How dare he. I was finally happy. I was finally over him, and then it turns out he was never dead!"

Tori ran her fingers through Draco's hair. "You should probably go see him."

Draco looked up at her. "Tori-"

"I'm serious, you'll be furious with yourself if you don't. What if it's him?"

"Then nothing changes," Draco said.

Astoria smiled and shook her head. "Darling, you loved him forever. We both know that I'm your second choice."

"Tori- That's not true," Draco exclaimed. "I love you, you know that."

"Not as much as you love him."

"Loved him," Draco interrupted. "He cheated and left me, I can never forgive that."

Astoria stroked his hair affectionately. "Just go see him, please?"

Draco looked up at her. Her eyes were full of tears but he could tell her mind was made up. This was the woman he'd married the woman he fell in love with. The one who knew him better than he knew himself, the one that could be sacrificing everything by telling him to go see Harry. Draco reached up and kissed her softly.

"I'm sorry, I love you."

Tori brushed away a tear from her cheek. "I love you too." She turned and walked towards the door.

Draco took a deep breath and turned towards his phone. He opened up a text message to the number Harry had called from and started to type.

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