Episode 3

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Springfield University

In a new day for the town of Springfield, one Holly Norris Bauer walks through the campus and past the students who are either leaving the college for him or heading to their classes. As a teacher but also a dean of journalism gave her the change to speak to students, giving them wisdom and knowledge of what to do as a journalist. She enjoyed talking to students at the same time and getting to know them when they stopped by her office. Some of them wanted advice on a project or help on what they were having trouble with which Holly had no issue with. Since it was lunch time for her and Ed, the two of them always met at the closet cafe in the college to sit down, eat, talk about their day but earlier she got a text from Ed saying he might be late since he was in a meeting at the medical school with staff. Approaching the cafe Holly saw her beautiful granddaughter in Clarissa Marler (Kelly Missal) who was coming to the cafe as she smiled. Clarissa had grown into a beautiful woman from a child into an adult, someone Ross can be proud of, not just in her but his sons too.

Holly - *Smiles* "Hi Clarissa"

Clarissa smiled, seeing her grandmother and hugging her when the two are close enough. Holly was someone that Clarissa looked up too, not just as her grandmother but as a former journalist/editor. 

Clarissa - "Hey grandma, this is a surprise. What are you doing here?"

Holly - "About to have lunch with Ed but he'll be running late. In the meantime I think you and I need to catch up unless you have a class to get too"

Clarissa - "As of now, I have no class until later on tonight with Fletcher teaching the best class like he always does"

Holly - "I'm glad to hear you're enjoying his class but that's no surprise to me. Fletcher is always on top of his game and sometimes, as you know I stop by to see how he's doing. It's always a treat seeing the man teach journalism but come on, lets get some lunch"

Clarissa and Holly get in the line at the cafe with others who are there themselves. While they are in line, Clarissa takes out her wallet and since she knows what to get, she was about to take out the money for it before she paused, seeing a picture of herself and Ross when she was a girl. Sighing sadly a bit, Clarissa takes out her money, puts the wallet back in her pocket which Holly noticed her granddaughter looking at the picture and sadly smiles at Clarissa.

Holly - "You still miss him don't you?"

Clarissa - *Nods* "Absolutely grandma, it's....it's just not fair that he's not here today or any day of the month, the year. I wish he was still here seeing his two sons and his little girl in college"

Holly puts her hand on Clarissa's shoulder.

Holly - "He knows Clarissa...he knows. Your father is here in spirit and he's proud of you, proud of Jason, proud of Kevin, proud of all of you. Where you three are at in your life is better than doing nothing"

Clarissa - "Thanks grandma. Before he...before he died I remember the last time he read a bedtime story to me on the night before dad left for this trip to Washington D.C. Kissing me on the forehead, I went to sleep peacefully. Seeing the smile on his face, I knew I was daddy's little girl"

Holly - "Those are the kind of memories you hold on to forever. Your father was a proud but strong man who loved his work and his family Clarissa, he was gone too soon to be taken away from you and your brothers"

Clarissa - "Dad dying in a plane crash never made sense enough to me grandma"

With the line moving along, Holly and Clarissa start to walk until they stop due to the person in front of the line stopping along with the others. Holly started to be curious on what Clarissa said when it came to Ross's death.

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