Episode 4

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The Cooper-Lewis Mansion

Marina tonight was making dinner since Joshua, Reva, Eleni, Marah, Tony, and Dylan were on their way due to Dylan being here in Springfield, so they wanted to make him feel welcomed. Shayne was no longer in house arrest due to what happened Alan-Michael Spaulding so there was a lot to celebrate as well. Shayne comes into the kitchen playing airplane with Henry.

Marina – Sounds like the two of my favorite boys are having fun.

Shayne – Yes, we are and something sure smells good tonight. How's dinner coming along Marina?

Shaye placed Henry down as Henry ran out of the kitchen and upstairs to his room.

Marina – Dinner is coming along just fine, hopefully every one of us can get along tonight.

Shayne – What makes you say that?

Marina – With Dylan as your brother and all. I mean, you're not going to be jealous of him, correct?

Shayne – Me Marina? Jealous? I also have another brother in Jonathan who I get along with for mom's sake. Dylan and I are going to be fine, but if he hurts this family the man is going to deal with me in the end.

Marina – Fair enough but just for one night, let's just be friendly and family oriented, especially for Henry who is going to meet his new uncle. Deal?

Shayne kisses Marina.

Shayne – Deal.

The doorbell is heard.

Shayne – That's probably one of them, I will go and get that. Stay focused on that dinner Marina, this is going to be a great night.

Marina – Will do.

Shayne leaves the kitchen while Marina gets the plates from the cabinets. Meanwhile, someone outside in the backyard of the residence lurks while watching Marina.



Spaulding/Lewis Enterprises.

Phillip knew this day would come when his brother Alan-Michael would go after him, but now that Hope in a way was caught in the middle hopefully this conversation can be civil. Knowing Alan-Michael though, nothing was simple with him as Phillip couldn't be soft and let the man walk all over him.

Phillip – Language Alan-Michael, what would dad be saying right now?

Alan-Michael – Really? Throwing dad in my face now huh? You're really something Phillip to this very day.

Hope – Alright, that's enough, both of you! What would your father think seeing his two sons going at each other like this?

Phillip – He would be disappointed but not at all surprised Hope. This has been going on for years between us when you weren't a part of the picture.

Hope – And it can end between the two of you, this is NOT what Alan would want!

Alan-Michael – What he would want mother is someone who can be more reliable than his non biological son running the company for his spoiled brat daughter who's away with that boy toy of hers!

Phillip – Keep my daughter out of this, she's not what you want...it's me after all right?

Alan-Michael – When it comes to the ownership of this company? Damn right.

Hope – Please, this doesn't need to turn into a power struggle-

Alan-Michael – Just stop it mom, you're not going to change my mind of what I sent out to do after I returned to Springfield...for SPAULDING Enterprises. No one, not Phillip, not even my mother will do anything about it. See you around 'big' brother.

Alan-Michael leaves the office with Hope trying to catch up to him. Phillip shook his head and chuckled a bit.

Phillip – Well then, that was exciting wasn't it, Phillip?



The Cooper-Lewis Mansion

Opening the door, Shayne saw Reva, Joshua, and Dylan as he hugged his parents. Dylan was a little nervous meeting Shayne himself since this is the first time the brothers have met, so the young man wants to make ab good impression for Shayne.

Shayne – Hey mom, dad, glad you guys made it here safe and sound.

Reva – We wouldn't have missed it for the world Shayne.

Joshua – I second that too Shayne, but I also want you to meet your brother. Dylan, this is Shayne, your brother as well.

Dylan – Hi Shayne, nice to meet you.

Shayne – Nice to meet you too Dylan, dad told me a lot about you. But please, come on in.

The two brothers shake hands with Shayne closing the door behind them.

Shayne – But please take a seat guys, Marina was in the kitchen getting everything ready while we waited for everyone else to arrive.

Dylan – Thanks Shayne, everything around here looks nice.

Shayne – Thank you Dylan, I appreciate it.

Henry – Grandma, Grandpa!

Henry runs downstairs and into the arms of his grandfather.

Joshua – Hey Henry, happy to see us!?

Henry – Yeah! Who's he?

Joshua – Henry, this is your uncle Dylan over here. Dylan, say hi to Henry, your nephew.

Dylan smiles at the child and waves at him.

Henry – Hi.

Dylan – Hello there Henry, it's nice to meet you. I am your uncle.

Just seeing the interaction between the of them made Joshua and Shayne very happy. Reva was happy too but still worried about the possibility of Dylan not being Joshua's son. Though one couldn't forget about the person who's still lurking outside the residence watching the family while waiting for the right time to strike.


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