Episode 6

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The Spaulding Art Gallery

On the last go around of the tour she was giving for Edmund and only him, Beth surprisingly felt more comfortable with him than the blonde thought the tour would go in the first place. Edmund didn't cause any kind of issues or any trouble with Beth because if he did, Beth would have no problem putting her in her place.

Beth – This is the art I created with Phillip right here, it's one of the best creations we've made together.

Edmund – Now this Beth is such a great work of art, shame your husband couldn't be here to share this moment with you.

Beth – And if he was here the man would throttle your throat talking like that.

Edmund chuckled.

Edmund – Like I fear the man or something Beth, come on now. You know me, if he came at me like that, I would wipe the floor with him.

Beth – Yeah, I am sure you could Edmund. But that's the end of the tour, happy now?

Edmund – Yes, I am Beth, now if you excuse me, I should make my way back to the front of the gallery. Election time will be here in November and yours truly needs to make a great impression.

Beth shook her head and sighed.

Edmund – What?

Beth – You'll never win the race to become mayor of Springfield Edmund, it's impossible. Hell would have to freeze over before that takes place.

Edmund – When it comes to Edmund Winslow, I always come out on top to win. Never forget that Beth Chamberlin Spaulding...see you around.

Edmund walks away from Beth and went around the corner until Beth runs up to him, grabs him by the arm to pull him into a kiss that takes the man by surprise.




Fletcher and Claire were in Ben's room, awaiting him to wake up since Mel and Rosita finished the procedure to get the drugs out of his system. Fletcher immediately noticed Ben slowly opening her eyes bringing a sigh of relief for the man who was a father figure to his stepson. Ben started coughing a bit and was going to cover his mouth but saw his hand handcuffed to the rail of the bed.

Fletcher – Easy their kid, don't take it that hard.

Ben – What the...hell is this?

Fletcher – Welcome back to the land of the living son. I was going to tell you but since you found out, you're under arrest.

Ben – Because of what happened to the women who were eliminated because of me? Just be honest with me.

Fletcher puts his hand on top of Ben's arrested hand.

Fletcher – I am so sorry Ben; Frank was hell bent on arresting you the moment we brought you back to Springfield.

Claire – Unfortunately you flatlined and that was prevented until after Mel and Rosita were done making sure to get those remaining drugs out of your system.

Ben – Well, it feels good to be alive and all, but I still need to pay for what happened. There's nothing going around it dad.

Fletcher – Don't worry about that Ben, just focus on getting better at the end of the day. We'll deal with all of that later.

Ben – Your only son just returned and will most likely go to jail once I am in the clear.

Claire – Not quite...

Fletcher – What do you mean Claire?

Claire – Ben didn't kill those women Fletcher and I know who did it.

Ben and Fletcher were confused at first by what Claire told them, but from the look on her face she wasn't joking around.



The Spaulding Art Gallery

Jason was going after Zach who was looking for Beth throughout the entire art gallery. Seeing Beth with Edmund didn't give him a good feeling sadly since he heard the history that Beth has with Edmund. Jason didn't know if this was a good idea but there was no talking Zach out of what the son of Phillip and Harley had planned.

Jason – Zach, wait up! What are you trying to do here?

Zach – Making sure my stepmom doesn't make a dumb mistake of hurting dad, period.

Jason – Don't you think Beth can handle Edmund herself Zach?

Zach – Maybe she can, maybe she can't. I am not taking any chances Jason; it has to be done.

Jason and Zach were about to go around the hallway, but Zach stopped, grabbing Jason as they hid behind the wall.

Zach – Oh my god.

Jason – What?

Zach – Shhh!

Jason and Zach peek in seeing Beth and Edmund engage in a passionate kiss which stunned the men, but Zach was enraged.

Zach – That slut, how dare she? Are you watching this?

Jason – Is that Beth kissing Edmund?

Zach – Uh, duh Jason, who else do you think it is? I just can't believe she's going to do this to the dad of all people with Edmund Winslow.

Edmund and Beth continued their passionate kiss before Beth pulled back, taking Edmund by surprise.

Edmund – Beth, did we just....

Beth – Oh my god, we kissed each other.

Edmund – Why did you kiss me, Beth?

Beth, horrified, shakes her head and glares at Edmund before she points at Edmund's chest with fury in her eyes.

Beth – Keep your mouth shut Winslow, this kiss never happened. Not a word of this does not go out because if so then your days of becoming mayor will be numbered. Understand?

Beth storms off in the opposite direction confusing Edmund even more. Zach and Jason watched Beth leave as all Zach wanted to do was read Beth for filth.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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