Episode 12 (The Bauer BBQ/Part 6/Season Fianle)

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Cross Creek

Reva and Joshua were still trying to take in the results about Dylan being Josh's new son while Tangie looked on with a smirk. All this time she was telling the man the truth about Dylan but none of them believed her, so she felt vindicated by this. Reva shook her head and looked at the results once again turning her attention to Tangie.

Reva – Guess you feel very proud about this don't you Tangie?

Tangie – Why would I? Dylan IS Josh's son and at the end of the day there's nothing that can be done to change it.

Reva – LIAR! She's lying Joshua, Dylan is not your son!

Josh – He is Reva....

Reva – Not you too...

Josh – Reva there's nothing else for me to do than to be a father to Dylan. He's my son, the man needs me.

Tangie – Joshua is right and if you want Josh, I can bring him here to Springfield at some point. I know he would love to get to know his dad.

Josh – Of course Tangie, just keep me updated when it happens, and we'll arrange something. Thank you for the results.

Tangie – Anytime, goodbye Josh...and Reva.

Grinning like a cherishing cat, Tangie leaves Cross Creek and closes the door behind her while Reva starts to rip the DNA test results.

Reva – No no NO! This can't be happening, that bitch still wins and gets away with all of this, now Dylan is going to come between us.

Josh – Hey...don't say that.

Joshua walks up to Reva and puts his hands on her shoulders.

Josh – Dylan is not going to come between us Reave, alright? But he's my son at the end of the day, he comes first so we're going to work this out, ALL of us. I love you.

Reva – I love you too Joshua.

Josh hugs a worried Reva who still has her doubts about everything that's happened. Outside of Cross Creek, as Tangie approaches her car, the cell phone rings. Taking it out of her purse, she answers it and starts speaking to whoever is on the other line.

Tangie – Hello.... yes it's me doctor...it all worked out well. Just remember our end of the deal, this doesn't get out to anyone including Josh and big mouth Reva. Understand? Good, we'll be having our last conversation, don't regret doing this.



The Bauer Residence

While Ed Bauer was making sure the food is ready and prepared, just the sight of Billy and Sonni made him feel uneasy. Ed always respected and liked Billy Lewis as a man of honor and courage, but this didn't feel right. The gears were turning in Ed's head, and it made him remember the pain he put Maureen thought when he died as Vanessa walks up to him.

Vanessa – Thinking about something Ed?

Ed- Oh, Vanessa, didn't see you there. How's everything going?

Vanessa – Everything is going just fine, Maureen is here, Billy is with Lizzie , Dina and Mallet are still together. What else is there to complain about?

Ed- You and Billy.

Vanessa – Ah ha, had a feeling that would get mentioned again.

Ed – What's going on between you two? Why is Sonni and Billy holding hands?

Vanessa – Were in an open relationship Ed.

Ed was shocked as Holly approached them.

Holly – Open relationship?

Vanessa – So now you know Holly?

Ed – How in the world does that happen? Does Billy even love you anymore?

Vanessa – Of course he does Ed, it's just that we've been bored as of late, and something had to happen or would of broken up again.

Holly – What if Billy is the one who breaks your heart then Vanessa and leaves you in the dust all over again?

Vanessa – That's not going to happen.

Ed – How?

Vanessa – Trust me, everything is going to be fine. Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere else to be. I'll see you later.

Vanessa walks away from Holly and Ed while her friends look at her with concern, but at the same time worry. They never expected to see Billy with another woman while he was married to Vanessa but she wasn't going to let that bother her. Going back inside the house to use the restroom, once she goes in and closes the door the mother of Bill and Maureen starts to cry. Leaning back against the door, Vanessa slides down in tears feeling humiliated and uneasy at the same time.



Gus and Harley were confused but shocked to see Fletcher and Clair with Ben Reade who started to slowly sit up unaware of what was going on at first. Holding his head, Ben's vision was a little blurry but at least he could make out who's in the room with him from his stepfather, Gus and Harley but didn't know who the other woman was. Claire checks on the fallen man's pulse who kidnapped Claire and Fletcher earlier.

Ben – Dad?

Fletcher – Hey, hey, it's alright son. The old man is here and were going to get you out of here.

Harley – Ben Reade? You're still alive!?

Harley had her gun still pointed at Ben who didn't know at first what happened, but Fletcher stood in front of Ben while glaring at Harley.

Fletcher – Harley, put the gun down alright?

Harley – Fletcher, I know you're his father but he's responsible for the woman he's murdered in the past. He HAS to be held responsible!

Gus – I am sure all of this can be explained, right now we need to call the authorities so they can come here and get this guy. He has a lot of explaining to do.

Claire – And me as well, I know what's going on. If he doesn't make it, which he should since he's still breathing barely, then I can explain my connection to it as well.

Ben – What's that clicking sound?

The four of them stop and listen to the sound of where the ticking is coming from. Claire then noticed something near the corner of the room in the form of a clock that was counting down.

Claire – Oh my god, it's a bomb! We need to leave, now!

Fletcher quickly grabs Ben as the five of them quickly get out of the room including the house before it explodes. They get on the ground to avoid the blasts while the house was up in flames now and everything in it was gone.


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