Episode 23 - (Part 4/November Sweeps-Last Part)

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Cedar's Hospital 

It was breezy outside as we focus on the changes quickly coming!

Dr.Reid Oliver meets up with Josh Lewis, Cassie Lane, Jonathan Randall, Tammy Winslow, Roxy Shayne about her current condition..

" I am Dr.Reid Oliver and i been hired to take over Reva Shayne Lewis' case..


" As of 8am she went into a unresponsive coma state, there is always the shinning light of hope she returns to all of you, as i do hear she is your beacon of light, fun, drama here in Springfield, Illinois!

There's only one Reva Shayne!"



Sitting in the back of her chair at Company's after she finished her meal, Harley looks over at a couple of pictures of her family. One of them was a picture of herself, her two boys and yes, Gus Airtoro himself, the man she once loved as Harley sighed. She was enjoying her time here in Springfield despite some of the drama that's been going on, though Harley wished Gus could be in the now with her. Heck, the two of them would of stayed in Springfield and go after the bad guys together, bringing them closer before they go home, make love and sleep the rest of the night until the next morning. God she missed sleeping in his arms, she wished he hadn't died in that incident but as Harley wasn't paying attention to what was going on behind her, Gus walked inside the restaurant after coming all the way here from the compound he was kept inside, looking like a mess as he saw the familiar blonde in Harley with her back in the chair. Smiling, he walks up to her before he taps her on the shoulder.

Gus - "Harley..."

Harley turns around and sees the shock of her life, the man she loved in Gus Airtoro was standing there as she couldn't believe this. She was shaking her head, and it was like Harley saw a ghost and not the real thing.

Harley - "No way...Gus...this can't be you"

Gust - "Yes it is Harley...it's me baby...i'm here...i'm home.

Harley gets up and comes near Gus then caresses her cheek, feeling that this was Gust, that this is real. Gus had closed his eyes, remembering the times when Harley touched his face when they were together, kissing, and touching one another but this moment was something else for them to never forget. Harley immediately hugs Gus who holds on to her tight to never let go.

Harley - "It's you, it's really you Gus. God I missed you so much"

Gus - "I know Harley, I know, I missed you too. Never in all of these years I thought for one second of coming back to you, but giving up wasn't an option"

Harley cups Gus face and notices some of the scars on his face, starting to worry for him after whatever he's been through.

Harley - "How is this happening? What happened actually Gus? Where have you been?"

Gus - "Listen I can't talk to you now, not in here anyway. Where's your father? Your dad? Coop? Marina?"

Harley - "Frank's at the station, dad's retired, Marina's now owns Company's. My brother is busy right now with everything going on with the Ultimate Force"

Gus - "Oh god, they're in Springfield already?"

Harley -"You know them?"

Gus - "Look, we need to go to SPD right now, I don't care if Frank or any other officer is busy. We need to get there right now"

Harley - "Okay okay slow down Gus, let get my stuff and then we'll go to the SPD....together. You and me together, okay?"

Gus - "Okay, but hurry"

Harley started to grab her things as the two of them left Company's before heading toward the SPD. Gus looked both ways before he left with the woman he loved. While it was so good to be back, Gus had to keep his eyes out and open on the guys who were still after him. They weren't happy with him escaping from the bunker and especially their bosses which is the Ultimate Force are not going to be pleased as well but he didn't care. After all of this time Gus was a free man, he can now be with the woman he loved the most in Harley. But he wanted to keep her safe, keep his family safe, heck, keep Rafe safe too which is someone else who Gus hasn't seen yet. His son and Gus have a lot of catching up to do, there was a lot that both of them didn't know of each other after the day Gus died. Gus hated all the time he missed out while his son was being a man and taking the world head on by himself. Of course, he had Natalia, Olivia, and others but at the same time Rafe needed his father. He knows already how Buzz, Frank, etc all stepped up to be father figures to him, but now that Gus was back, the man can catch up with his son to hear everything Rafe has been up to since he thought his father died.




Mindy Lewis arrives mid afternoon at Cedars Creek to private Cabin..

She admires the beautiful view outside over looking the quiet lake .

She hears footsteps ..

A familiar face from

Oakdale, Illinois appears..

Andy Dixon!

" Mindy Lewis, i am Andy Dixon from a call i received from a Sonni/Solita we are supposed to meet, mingle , get drunk & have lots of sex as we get video taped! "


" That Bitch!"

Radio plays ..

Billy Eilish

" Bad Guy " as they do as requested rather demanded..

Loud moans as he enjoys having her ontop of him, her blonde hair brushes past his face ..

More loud moans..

" Oh Mindy!"

" Oh Andy!"

They caress, explore each other's bodies between the sheets!

To Be Continued ..

Happy Holidays


Next Time

" He's Gay right?!"

" He's Straight?!"

" I Get That Alot!"

OOC : All the credit goes to PartyWill/WillysViews for the first and last part. The second part is all mine.

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