Episode 3

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Cedar's Hospital

Outside, Fletcher, Claire, Gus, Harly, Frank, and the officer were waiting outside the hospital room of Ben Reade after he flatlined. Fletcher paces back and forth, still worried about his son.

Fletcher – What's taking them so long in there?

Claire – I am sure Melanie and Rosita are doing the best they can to help Ben. Keep the faith, Fletcher, and be patient.

Fletcher – Easy for you to say Claire, this isn't Michelle whose life is at stake. You would feel the same way I do.

Claire – Of course Fletcher, this affects you more than anything else now. Ben has been through a lot these years, so I know you feel lucky to have him back.

Fletcher – Not only that, if it wasn't for our lovely chief of police over there coming to arrest him then none of this would have happened. My son could die thanks to you after we rescued him.

Frank – Fletcher, I am not responsible for half of the crimes your son will have to answer for. Maybe he's just better off dead.

Fletcher – Excuse me?

Harley – Frank!

Gus – Okay guys, let's just relax alright? Everyone is running on fumes as we speak, I am pretty sure we all want the same thing at the end of the day.

Fletcher noticed Melanie and Rosita coming out of the hospital room.

Fletcher – Mel, what's the word on Ben? Is he going to be, okay? Just be honest with me.

Mel – I have good news and bad news. The good news is, he's stable and looks like he'll be okay, but the bad news is he has too many drugs in his system.

Fletcher – So what'll happen next?

Rosita – We'll need to take him into surgery and flush out the drugs then we'll see what happens after that.

Fletcher – Whatever the two of you need to do to save him, do it, just save my boy.



Spaulding Art Gallery

Months after the incident at the art gallery, the place was finally re-opened as the people came into the place with Beth welcoming them before a voice startled her.

Voice – Is that Beth Spaulding, looking beautiful as ever?

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Edmund walking up to her with a grin on his face.

Beth – Edmund.... This is a surprise.

Edmund – It clearly is, I heard today was the day for the re-opening of the art gallery.

Beth – Yes, it is, both Phillip and I created this together a long time ago and had to rebuild it due to the fire.

Edmund – Job well done and speaking of the old chap, where is he? I don't see him.

Beth – He's at Spaulding/Lewis right now, he's the temporary CEO of the company for the time being.

Edmund looked surprised and chuckled a bit.

Edmund – Now why doesn't that surprise me, Beth? Phillip put the business first and not his family is his usual way of screwing his family.

Beth – That is not true, Bill and Lizzie left Springfield as they were on their way back to town at some point from their vacation.

Edmund – The fact you and Spalding still put up with this is absolutely repulsing still to this day but hey, it's Phillip after all.

Beth – Are you just here to trash my family or do you want to look around the gallery?

Edmund – Alright, alright, my apologies. Maybe you can give me a tour around the place for old times' sake?

Beth sighed but pointed at Edmund.

Beth – Fine, just no funny business or you'll be kicked out. I have security here with me for the gallery, so don't think you're getting away with anything.

Edmund – You have my word, scouts honor, I will not cause any kind of trouble. Lead the way, Misses Spaulding.



Spaulding/Lewis Enterprises

Phillip was looking over the town of Springfield from the view where he stands now. Hearing the phone ring, Phillip answers it.

Phillip – Yes? Really? She's here to see me? Bring her in.

Ending the call, Phillip watches the door open and in comes Hope Bauer.

Hope – Hello Phillip, it's been a while, hasn't it?

Phillip – Yes it has, would you like me to get anything for you?

Hope – No, I am not going to take that much of your time, but I need to talk to you about something very important.

Phillip – Let me guess, Alan-Michael.

Hope – Yes, not sure if you heard but Alan-Michael was released from the hospital the other night after he was cleared to leave.

Phillip – So my brother survived after all instead of taking a nosedive huh? That's disappointing.

Hope – Phillip! This is your brother were talking about here!

Phillip – After he tried to take over this company that my daughter and son in law continued making a success? Not a chance Hope.

Hope – This is why I came here, to talk to you about mending fences with your brother and coming to terms with everything that happened.

Phillip – The last thing I am going to do is hand over the company to some spoiled rotten brat like my brother who had it coming to him Hope when he got attacked.

Voice – Is that so?

Alan-Michael comes into the office slowly while holding his stomach with one of his hands.

Phillip – Hello little brother, how are you holding up?

Alan-Michael – Go fuck yourself Phillip.

Hope gasped.

Hope – Alan-Michael Spaulding!

Phillip and Alan-Michael keep their eyes locked on one another with Hope watching on in worry of what could happen next between the two brothers.


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