Episode 24 - (Part 1/February Sweeps)

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We focus on the day in Springfield , Illinois where Reva Shayne for months, was been admitted to the ER following her being shot during a INTENSE confrontation in the hopes of rescuing her son Colin! In a coma, she was in her room with Joshua , it...

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We focus on the day in Springfield , Illinois where Reva Shayne for months, was been admitted to the ER following her being shot during a INTENSE confrontation in the hopes of rescuing her son Colin! In a coma, she was in her room with Joshua , it was such a critical time for her as she finds herself in time of sorts her mind wanders when she was Reva Shayne , red dress & all!

A familiar face calls her name..

Sarah Shayne -

" Reva darling , i missed you something fierce!"

Reva - " Oh momma , i missed you dearly so much has happened i wish you were alive to see it!"

Sarah's angelic vision fades in/out 


Cedar's Hospital

Sitting by her bedside, Joshua looks on and brushes a stray piece of hair covering his wife's eyes as Reva was still in a coma after the past couple of months when a gunshot wound hit her right in the stomach. The staff here did all they could but now it was up Reva to wake up on her own, but to Joshua it just wasn't fair. Yes, some of this was on him when he wasn't honest about Jeffrey and what really happened when he didn't actually die. He should have been honest with her from the start, but no, Joshua did the selfish thing and kept it away from her when they promised each other no secrets, no lies, nothing was going to hold them back. But nope, Joshua couldn't help it after he got Reva back for good this time. Even when they went through so much over the years, before they left Springfield everything was great as the two along with Colin left behind and staying in Oaklahoma for ten years. Now, it seems like all of that was going to be for nothing if Reva died, but the man couldn't think like that. He had to be positive, just for her and her son Colin who was going to be affected by this if anything happens to his mother, because the kid wants his mom to come back as well.

Joshua - "Oh Reva...this is one fine mess we got ourselves into this time haven't we? A lot of this lays upon my feet, if I could of just done something to let you know what was really going on...maybe none of this would not have happened. If myself, Jonathan...even Jeffrey could have been honest, but we were just protecting you"

Billy - "I think she hears you loud and clear little brother"

Joshua hears his brothers voice as he looks over his shoulder seeing Billy standing there with his hands in his pockets. Joshua smiles and chuckles a bit before he gets up, hugging his brother Billy but glad to see the man when he was going through so much.

Billy - "So she hasn't woken up yet Joshua?"

Joshua - "No, nothing...the past couple of months and there's been no charge. I'm starting to feel hopeless you know?"

Billy - "There's still some fight left in her Joshua, don't give up on her because when she wakes up she'll need you"

Joshua - "Even when she may be still mad at me for my role in all of this?"

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