Episode 11 (The Bauer BBQ/Part 5)

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Billy and Sonni show up at the backyard of the Bauer Residence hand in hand while both were happy. Others were surprised but confused at the same time seeing them together while Vanessa looks on, suspicious but wasn't going to get herself involved. But Matt walks up to the two of them with a not so pleased look at the same time, not caring what Charlotte, Maureen and even Vanessa felt about Matt making matters worse.

Matt – You really are something aren't you, Billy?

Billy – Excuse me son?

Matt – DON'T you son me Billy. This is not a game, out of all people, Sonni Carrera after all that's happened? Does Josh know about this?

Billy – He will soon once the man comes to the BBQ? So, did we miss anything?

Matt – Do you know how he'll feel about this when he sees the two of you together? Vanessa doesn't even mind surprisingly, but she deserves better than this and better than you.

Billy – Matt, me and Sonn are not doing anything wrong. Were in an open relationship, even Vanessa was fine with it once I told her.

Sonni – That's right, so if you and the entire town doesn't like it, go screw yourself then Matt. Shall we?

Billy chuckled a bit as Matt was surprised she actually spoke.

Billy – Yes, we shall, see you later Matt. Tell Charlotte and Maureen we said hi.

Billy and Sonni leave while Matt watches them with disgust on his face. Charlotte, Maureen, and Vanessa were glad that a fight didn't break out between the two men but two out of three in Vanessa and Charlotte were worried where this could lead for different reasons.



At Cross Creek, Josh and Reva were waiting for Tangie to show up since they did the DNA test for the two of them a couple months back. So, after that they had to wait for the results. The two of them in Joshua and Dylan, that's who since the blonde showed up in Springfield, claiming that Joshua was the father of their 'son' in Dylan himself. Of course, Joshua wanted this to be done over with as he heard the doorbell ring.

Reva – That better be Tangie by now, she's taken too long.

Josh – I'll get it.

Josh answers the door and Tangie comes in with the envelope in her hand that she shows them.

Josh – Tangie...

Tangie – Hello Joshua, Reva...

Reva – No good dishonest ass-

Josh – REVA! Now is NOT the time for this.

Tangie – Listen to your husband Reva, he knows better than you ever have.

Reva – What's that supposed to mean?

Tangie – Never mind, anyway I guess we're all here for the same reason, right? The DNA test results are here....

Tangie gives Josh the envelope as he takes a deep breath before he starts to open it.

Josh – Here we go....

Josh opens the envelope and looks inside for the results.

Reva- Well?

Josh – What the heck? This can't be.....

Reva – Let me see that...

Snatching the envelope, Reva looks at it and her mouth drops from what she sees herself, wishing it wasn't true.

Reva – The DNA test confirms.... that Joshua Lewis IS the father of Dylan Hill.

Joshua and Reva were beside themselves while Tangie smirks based on the results for this DNA test. Dylan is exactly Joshua's son and there wasn't anything that can deny it especially now that it's confirmed...for real. 



Back at the house, Fletcher was the first one to get out of him being tied up before he helps Claire out of hers. The two of them made sure they were quiet and didn't make any kind of noise, otherwise the guy who took them here by force would most likely come back to finish the job for good. Fletcher then walks up to the door and slowly opens it while he looks out.

Claire – Is he there?

Fletcher – No he's not Claire. Do you know where Ben could be hidden?

Claire  – Somewhere down in the basement last time I saw him, Fletcher.

Fletcher – Okay then, we'll have to be careful but through hell fire and brimstone were getting my son out here. Let's go.

The two of them leave the room before Fletcher follows Claire who knew where she was but still quietly. They stop at the door as Fletcher is about to open the door, but Susie stops him.

Claire  – No wait Fletcher.

Fletcher – What's wrong Claire?

Claire – I know you have a right but to be mad at me but whatever happens...just know that I didn't mean for this to take place.

Fletcher sighed and nodded, knowing Claire was right in the first place.

Fletcher – I know Susie, none of this is your fault, I just wish you had told me earlier. But at least one part of this was done the right way thanks to letting me know.

Claire – Appreciate it Fletcher. Now, are you ready to see your son?

Fletcher – Yes, let's do this.

Claire nods before she opens the door to the basement. She walks down the stairs with Fletcher and the two of them see a man lying on the floor.

Fletcher – That must be Ben.

Fletcher comes up on the man and uses his foot to move him over as he gasps. It was his stepson in Ben Meade looking as if he was knocked out.

Fletcher – Ben!

Fletcher and Claire attended to Ben as his eyes were half open but still looked a little loopy. At least he wasn't hurt or worse, dead.

Fletcher – Ben, are you alright?

Ben – D...da....dad? Is that you?

Fletcher – It's alright son, we're going to get you out of here.

Claire – Let's move now, we don't-

The door opens and in comes the man who kidnapped Fletcher and Claire with a gun in her hand. Just when he was about to shoot, he was knocked out from behind thanks to Gus and Harley. As the man fell to the floor, Gus and Harley looks up at Fletcher and Claire who were surprised to see her, but they were shocked to see Ben.

Gus – Looks like were just in time for the party....is that Ben Reade?


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