~Chapter 12: Drinks~

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Zaks POV:

Its Saterday, so I slept in today. I woke up at 11:00 AM. I got dressed into a baby blue T-shirt and black pants. I went down to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal. After eating I sat on the couch to watch TV.

"Oh hey Zak," Vincent said.

"Morning Vince," I replied.

"Is it okay if Clay comes over to hang out later?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, of course," I winked at him.

He rolled his eyes, "Like I said before Zak, I just met him."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I stuck out my tongue.


I checked the time, it was almost time for Bad's stream. I went up to my room and sat down infront of my computer. The time came, and he was late. Luckily it was only a couple of minutes, and his stream started.

As always, there was a bunch memers spamming in chat and in his donations. I found it funny and spammed some myself. I noticed in chat some people started to spam my name. Huh, guess these people know me too.

It started to become so much that even people who didnt know me were just spamming 'Skeppy!!' Like the rest. Then bbh noticed.

"Who? Why is everyone spamming Skeppy in the chat?" Bad said, confused. "You mean the peanutbutter? It's spelled Skippy you muffins."

I freaked out a bit, I was excited that I was being noticed. As a joke, I spammed Skeppy aswell.

"Wait, is he's a youtuber? I think I saw him in chat," Bbh said. "He does minecraft too?"

I laughed at Bad's confusion.

"Is he on my server? Let me see, I'll tp him."

I was playing on his server while watching, and saw myself get teleported into a glass box. Bad was there looking at me.

"Is this him? He has a cute diamond skin."

I shifted at him, nodding my head.

"Hello you diamond muffin," Bad said, waving at me in game. "You guys want me to get in a call with him?"

Surprised I looked back to the chat. Turned out they started spamming for him to talk to me.

"Are you in teamspeak?" He asked. I nodded my head in game. "Okay, I'll move you."

I turned my mic on and waitedto be moved.

~You have been moved~

"Hello? Is this Skeppy?" Bad said.

"Yes, it's me." I said, trying to contain myself from screaming.

"Hm, you sound familiar for some reason, maybe I've seen your videos before."

"Oh, that's cool! I watch you a lot," I smiled to myself.

"Thanks for the support, nice talking to you!" Bad said, "Cya later Skeppy."

"Bye Bbh," Well that was short..


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