xxv | Tempting Fate

173 15 4

© Stephanie Anne and Dee Atkins

                  Chapter Twenty-five

Shock and fear circulated through my brain. I could only stare at the Ceaelie warrior that stood before us, eyes dark and dangerous, daring me to refuse him. I could see his hand twitching at his side, ready to draw his sword and strike us down. I knew he wouldn’t refuse to attack if I chose to refuse him. And I knew either way he’d kill Cameron, and I wouldn’t be able to bear that.

If Cam died trying to save me I’d never forgive myself. If I had to watch as the Ceaelie warrior struck him down and plunged his sword through his heart I don’t think I’d be able to cope. My whole world would be shattered. Everything would be broken. I wouldn’t be able to see clearly. I knew I’d lose it.

I could feel Cam beside me, his warm hand encircling mine, telling me he wasn’t going anywhere, that he wasn’t afraid of what may - or may not - happen. My fingers tightened around his and I watched as the man before us looked down, his whole body becoming more rigid at the sight of our joined hands. The whole thing seemed to signify defiance and strength.

I hated to admit it but I felt safer with Cam by my side. I felt as if everything would be okay if he would - if he could - stay with me. I pressed my lips together, my free hand moving to clutch the hilt of my sword. All the while we stared one another down I began to focus on everything around me, gathering strength just as Samanya had taught me to.

“Miss Talin. I need your answer,” the warrior said, tone firm and desolate.

“You are not taking her anywhere,” Cam seethed. I barely saw him as he reached behind him, pulling his gun out of the holster, raising it up to the Ceaelie.

He doesn’t stand a chance. But it was too late. The Ceaelie, quick and agile, let loose an arrow, the tip barely grazing Cam’s arm as he pushed me out of the way. We moved behind a tree, my breathing rapid, matching his. My heart accelerated in my chest, beating faster than I thought possible.

Another arrow flew overhead, planting itself in a tree, and I could hear the taunting words of the warrior.

“Is the human really worth the banishment, Miss Talin? Worth the shame that will be brought upon your family? I honestly don’t know why the commander chose you. After your stupid sister Kali failed, I didn’t think he’d risk it the fate of our people on another Talin.”

I wanted to go after him, to sink my blade inside his chest. He had no right. He had no idea what was happening here, what has happened. This mission was harder than it looked, and he was the stupid one to think otherwise.

“Let me fight him, Cam. What he just said…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. The warrior’s sword sunk into the bark of the tree just above my head, wood splinters flying everywhere as he pulled it back out.

My heartbeat quickened in fright and anger as the warrior swung his sword at me again, but this time I ducked and rolled out of the way. The only problem, this time, was now I was out in the open with no protection. My Katana sprung to my hand, a fierceness settling within me that I’d never felt before. What he’d said about Kali was still fresh in my mind as I let out a yell of rage and lunged at him.

Our swords clanged against one another’s, the sound of metal on metal dancing through the air. I sneer was settled on my face as I swung again, my anger getting the better of me, which I knew was a bad thing. What would Sam say if he saw you now? He’d be so disappointed.

Focus. Don’t let his taunts get to you.

“You’re weak,” the warrior spat, sneering at me as he sent me another blow. “Just like her. She was weak too. You Talin’s are all the same. Weak, juvenile failures.”

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