xviii | Close Encounter

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© Stephanie Anne and Dee Atkins

                  Chapter Eighteen

        The stomps of feet alerted me to the men that were inhabiting the barn.

        Through the gaps in the trees I was able to make out the buff figures of the soldiers, the guns that hung over their backs and the military style way they stood, guarding what was my only way to contact the Commander. It frustrated and worried me at the same time. What if the Commander believed me dead? What if he sent reinforcements? It would become a bloodbath. I couldn’t let him do that, but already it was happening. This was probably what happened to Kali. She couldn’t get in touch with the Commander; Daniel or Cameron or someone found out and she was killed.

        Maybe it is good that the Commander sends reinforcements. No, he probably won’t. Possibly not until after another week or so. He probably didn’t even know Kali was dead. Samanya was most likely the one to have sent word.

        I let out a deep breath, running my hands through my hair. This was all becoming too much. Already I was in too deep. What if something were to happen? Or if the Major found out? He may already know how to use Ellasyna. I would be his test subject.

        Clearly, through a gap in the trees, I could see the tree. Or what was left of it.

        Half of the tree had been cut down, lying on its side. Whatever Ceaelie power that allowed it to work had disappeared, leaving the carcass of the tree dead. It was now no use to me, or anyone, for that matter.

        With shaky arms and wet eyes, I turned away from my only way of communications and disappeared through the woods, tracing my way back to the cabin. The path was familiar and easy to navigate, etched into my mind. I’d travelled along this path so many times I’d be able to move along it with my eyes closed.

        The trees were thick, some branches and vines overlapping the path. I was able to move them with my abilities and step over fallen branches easily, maneuvering along the track with ease. My footsteps were fast and agile as I jogged, gripping the hilt of my dagger, my guard remaining intact as I ran. However, my mind couldn’t stray from what I’d just seen, and what was bound to happen sooner or later.

        Eventually I saw the cabin looming ahead and slowed to a walk, my eyes taking in the exterior of the small shack. It was all the same - vines covering every inch of wood, creaky boards still intact, long grass accompanying the small track up to the door. I slowly made my way to the door, eyes wary, looking for any sign of Mr Howland or Adam. I knew they’d come back after what had occurred yesterday.

        But what I didn’t expect - who I didn’t expect - to see was Cameron, waiting for me inside. I froze, hand tightening around the hilt of my dagger upon seeing him standing there. He looked out of place leaning on the wall. His green-grey eyes met mine the instant I stepped through the door and I noticed a scowl settle on his face.

        “Why haven’t you left yet?” he demanded, glaring daggers at me. I took a step back, readying myself in case he lunged at me again.

        “You have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do, Cameron,” I hissed, glaring back, suddenly defiant. “You do not control me. And I’m not going anywhere until I’ve completed what I set out to achieve.”

        His eyes darkened from his anger as he glared, curling his lip upwards just as he ripped his gun from the holster, pointing it right at me. “Then you give me no other option,” he muttered, jaw clenched, his grip on the human weapon firm, steady, finger hovering over the trigger.

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