xix | Burning Blades

171 16 2

© Stephanie Anne and Dee Atkins

                  Chapter Nineteen

Silence was all I heard.

Until the footsteps began treading back up the track to the cabin. I immediately stepped back, the anger still bubbling in my veins, shooting through me. It consumed me like wildfire. I pursed my lips, awaiting who would step through the door.

Adam soon stepped through the door, slamming it after him before he looked at me. But before he could say anything I slammed my fist into his nose, making him let out a yelp and stumble backwards, groaning and holding his now bleeding nose. My fist tingled from the punch, and I had to admit it felt good.

“What the hell was that for?” he exclaimed, cursing under his breath, wiping the blood onto his sleeve as he glared at me. I just tilted my head and smiled sweetly, moving away from him to sit at the creaky table, pulling the bag of food closer to me, which he’d placed there earlier.

Upon opening the bag I could see bagels, and I smiled, inhaling the delicious scent as I grabbed one and bit into it. Adam let out a small sigh and joined me at the table. “How long had he known?” he whispered suddenly, making me look up at him, gulping.

“A week or so. I’ve lost count. But I didn’t tell him, if you were wondering.” I met his gaze and it softened. He, sadly, reminded me so much of my brother and it hurt. I could tell he was protective, that he didn’t want to see me hurt. It was there in his unwavering gaze.

“Valia, you need to be more careful.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes. “But you need to fix this. And if you don’t, I’ll have to.” Then he stood, straightening his jacket, rubbing the rest of the blood off his face before exiting the cabin and disappearing.

Days had gone by with nothing happening. I had no visits from Adam or Howland, no more threats from Cam. Maybe he had given up on me, maybe he was finally believing I was human. No he didn’t. He’s waiting. I was growing tired of waiting, exhausted by the stress this entire mission was causing me. I needed to do something. I needed to get this done.

It was early in the morning when I finally decided I should scope out the area, listen for anything good. It would be a miracle if I heard anything about Ellasyna, but it was worth a try. Even the thought of getting closer to Ellasyna gave me chills. It frightened me and exhilarated me at the same time.

The air was cold, the ground covered in a slight layer of frost. Winter was arriving faster than I thought. It captured the forest in an unearthly glow, the leaves covered in ice crystals and the last of the autumn leaves blanketing the ground. It was a winter wonderland.

With a shiver I moved carefully down the trail, turning left and entering the maze of trees, watching the ground and the base of the trees for markings, edging me towards the base. Goosebumps appeared on my bare arms, and I only wished I had a jacket with me as I trudged through the leaves and small patches of white on the ground.

The trees swayed in the slight breeze, leaves rustling, trunks creaking as I passed them by. As I neared the base the trees became less and less until I was watching from the outskirts again. I knew soldiers would be stationed in the forest as well as around the base at regular intervals. I’d studied as much earlier on. And to prove my theory soldiers suddenly marched around the outside of the base, and I hid behind a tree, watching intently.

Once they rounded the base again I peeked from behind the tree, edging closer but all of a sudden a strong hand caught my arm, yanking me back, shoving me into a tree, and I gasped, reaching for my dagger, but then I saw his face. His eyes were cold and angry, regarding me thoroughly.

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