xxiv | Betrayals

173 13 5

© Stephanie Anne and Dee Atkins

                  Chapter Twenty-four

I ran my hand throughmy hair in frustration. The houses along this street were all the same, their structures similar. The only difference their colours, the cars and possibly the gardens out the front. But what I was looking for was the house with the most security. I was in the most prestigious neighbourhood in town - somehow I had a feeling the Major lived around here. But something else was pulling me in this direction. I wasn’t sure what - but somehow I knew it was Ellasyna calling me, beckoning me.

I rounded another corner and blew out a deep breath of air. So many houses… The solstice was soon and I was running out of time. I had already wasted so much time. I could have gotten Ellasyna that day with Cam and the Major – it would have been easy. But I hesitated, and I knew that now.

A dog barked at me from across the street, another following its lead. A cat ran across the street ahead of me, hiding behind a trash can by a large tree. Then it ran back into its yard, screeching as it did.

I paused on the side of the road, my booted feet numb from the snow that soaked through their material. I let my gaze linger on the tree, my breaths catching in my throat as the shadow behind it moved. Cautiously taking a step back, I went to double back, remembering that I saw a small shop just a couple of blocks down, but when the figure stepped into the light, I let go of the breath I had been holding.

I glared at Adam as he jogged across the street, a smirk plastered across his face. I punched him in the shoulder and continued walking.

“Scared you, did I?” he laughed, the sound rich and deep. I just continued to glare, sidestepping another patch of grey snow, shivering as the cold breeze hit me. “You seriously don’t have a sweater? Are you crazy?” He pulled off his leather jacket, slinging it over my shoulders. “Plus should you even be out here? You used up a lot of energy yesterday – what you did before was foolish.” Concern was written all over his face as he watched me. When I shrugged, he just shook his head. “And, you do know you’re going the wrong way, right?”

I stopped and looked up at him, moving my jaw around, contemplating whether I should just ask for his help or not. He’d help me though, I know he would. He always did.

“Come on, I’ll show you,” he smiled, winking, and I gulped before following him down the street. “What exactly do you plan to do once you have it, anyway, if I may ask?” he asked suddenly, and I looked at him, shrugging again, pursing my lips.

Should I tell him? Or should I lie? “I-I’m going to destroy it.”

He froze mid-step and stared at me as if I’d grown another head. I looked at him levelly, raising an eyebrow at his astonished expression. He gauged my expressionless face for what seemed forever before he opted to speak, running a hand through his tousled, sandy coloured hair. “And how exactly do you plan to do that? You don’t even know what it’s made from, or what the consequences or side effects could be. Is that really safe? Is it really the best thing to do?”

“I’d rather risk everything to destroy it than let it fall into anyone else’s hands. Who knows what Winchester will do with it if I let it go, and I have no clue what Commander Jeremias wants to do with it either. The safest thing would be to destroy it, and I’m going to do it no matter the consequences, no matter how dangerous and difficult it may be. I will not give up until it is done.”

Adam studied my face, noting the determination in my eyes and the hostility that would be evident as well before a smile broke out on his face. “I always knew you had it in you to be like this,” he smirked, and I rolled my eyes. “You’re becoming a feisty little warrior.” I punched him in the shoulder again, hard, and he mocked that it hurt by wincing and placing a hand over his heart. “I’m wounded, Val,” he teased, and I just looked at him, deadpan.

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