xvii | A Darker Power

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© Stephanie Anne and Dee Atkins

                  Chapter Seventeen

        “Dammit.” Whatever power I was trying to conjure fled, along with any and all my strength. I collapsed to the ground, sucking in deep breaths of air as I tried to ease the dizzying effect that the Spirit power had on me. What am I doing wrong…?

        It had been the only thing I could work on for the last couple of days. I was on the lay low - I didn’t go into town, I barely left the cabin. If I wanted food I would scavenge for it during the night when I could mask myself, living off the land and all. It was easier than it seemed.

        But I was getting nowhere in my mission. For all I knew, the commander had already dispatched someone to come find me or had sent my brother out in hopes of finishing what Kali started. Maybe Commander Jeremias had second thoughts about me and was bringing me home.

        No, I thought. He can’t. He must know I’m not dead, right? He can’t send someone else until he’s sure, can he?

        I closed my eyes, resting my head back on the hard wooden floorboards. I needed to regain my strength if I was to attack, if I was to get anywhere in this mission. But I longed to figure out this Spirit thing Mr Howland had brought up. I longed to test it further, to get it right. But, I couldn’t. It took too much energy. I needed help. If only Samanya was still around - perhaps he could’ve helped me figure my powers out. Mr Howland had proven he was useless by disappearing on me that night, and notifying me that he just watched as my beloved sister perished.

        I groaned and sat up, trying once more.

        The days passed by in a blur. They normally consisted of me stretching, training, and practicing my newfound powers. My strength had slowly started to come back, bit by bit, and I was glad when I could make the vines covering the walls slither away or return easily. I hadn’t been sleeping well, and it was all because of that dream I’d had. That, and the fact that Cameron had let me go.

        Why? I still found myself asking that question daily. He had probably risked everything for me. For all I knew, he could be dead!

        But I don’t care. I can’t, and I won’t.

        I wasn’t sure if it were true, but I had to believe it. I’ve been here, what, a month now? It had gone by so quickly. I could hardly keep up with it all. The time had just flown by in a blur. I was being distracted too. That’s what Cam was - a distraction. He’s out of the picture now, so focus!

        And that’s what I did. I shut my eyes and focused on the cool water lapping at my feet, feeling the power that could come out of it. I stretched my arms out, palms facing down and began to sway in time to the tide, left and right. A slow motion that used my entire body.

        I had seen Marceus do this a thousand times, so I imagined him demonstrating, explaining the steps that I would have to take to be able to control the water around me. A shiver ran down my spine, a tingling beginning at the tips of my fingers and working its way up my arms. Power and energy radiated around me, washing over my body, enveloping me in a familiar heat.

        Upon opening my eyes I saw the water before me swirling and rising into the air, spinning in circles, looping through the air, like an acrobat. I was in awe at my own power. Howland was right. I was powerful. I just had to learn how to channel that power; to make it obey my wishes - my desires.

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