Star Plans (Pt. III)

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"So this is the last base?"

Molnea nodded.

Nova eyed it suspiciously. "It does not look like anyone is home."

"Maybe it's supposed to look like that, so others lower their guard?" Keith guessed.

"But we've been standing out here for quite a while now, and nothing has happened."

"I'm with the Blade," Molnea said. "We still should be careful."

"Let's just find out what they're making, and destroy it," said Nova walking towards the main doors, Keith and Molnea following a few paces behind. She stood before the base entrance, the doors shut tight. She looked around for a button, switch, or anything that might get them inside one way or another.

"There's nothing here," said Keith, who had looked around the side of the base for anything that would help. "There's no sign of anything or anyone."

"Could we have lucked out?" Nova asked. "Maybe they failed making anything with the plans. This whole place seems abandoned."

Molnea crossed her arms and frowned. "No way. Galra never just quit. Especially when they have the means to win this war. I don't like the feeling of this place."

"But we have to get in there and obtain the plans," said Nova. She turned and faced the doors once more. "We'll just have to force our way in."

"Is that a good idea?" Keith cautioned. "What if it sets off an alarm? We're no match for a hoard of Galra."

Nova shrugged and gestured to the building before them. "We don't really have many other options, Keith." The former Red Paladin made no rebuttal. Nova extended her hands at the closed door, concentrating and weaving her energy through the solid material. Then, as she pulled her hands away from each other, the heavy metal doors began to creak and groan. While she couldn't force the doors completely open, she parted the entrance enough where the three of them could slip through easily.

Instead of having hallways and rooms off to the side like the previous bases, this one was just one large, open room. Their footsteps echoed off the tall, vaulted ceilings and walls as they slowly entered the space. There was little light, save for a few wall lamps here and there. No one spoke, for fear their words would echo loudly in the room. Nova made out a shape in the middle of the room that caught her eye with a tiny, red blinking light.

"That must be the console," she said quietly, but loud enough for her companions to hear. "I will go see."

Guard up, Nova made her way to the center of the room. It was indeed the console they were looking for. The screen was dark except for a blue dot blinking rapidly in the lower corner. Nova clenched her fist nervously. They needed the console online to get possession of the plans, but she wasn't sure what else it would do. Taking a deep breath, she tapped the blinking blue dot and instantly, light flooded the large chamber. A loud clanging sounded and Nova looked over to see Keith and Molnea suddenly trapped in a metal cage that was slowly ascending higher off the ground.

"What's going on?!" shouted Keith, fiercely gripping the bars.

"What did you do, Starburst?!" Molnea chimed in.

"I just turned it on!" Nova replied. "I will get you down quickly!" Just as she was about to help her friends, a door they hadn't noticed before on the other side of the room opened, and out walked a girl that looked to be around Nova's age.

"It's nice to finally have some visitors," she said, not taking her eyes off Nova as she walked towards the console at a steady pace.

"Who are you?" Nova asked sharply. "Release my friends."

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