Unfinished Business

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*Pant, pant, pant*

Korrin's head throbbed as she knelt on the floor, sweat dripping down her face. Her hands were clenched into tight fists, her knuckles white. She'd been in the training room for several hours, while the paladins and Allura all prepared to take action on building a coalition of rebels. After being out of the loop for so long, Korrin wasn't exactly sure what that all meant. She knew for certain though that she would not be partaking in their next string of missions. Part of her was annoyed, but also relieved. She wanted to use the time she had to improve her physical abilities and her power that seemed to be non-existent. Thinking back to her fight with Keith, she remembered trying to use her powers to stop him. But for some reason, nothing had happened. Slightly concerned, she had gone to Pidge hoping for an explanation.

"That doesn't surprise me..." the green paladin had said, adjusting her glasses. "You see, I had gotten the instructions to 'remake' you, but we didn't initially have any pieces of you in regards to your 'star' form. So we went back to the location when you had... you know...went supernova...and were able to obtain celestial remnants of you left from the incident."

Korrin had shaken her head, trying to understand. "So...there isn't as much of previous me in new me?"

"More or less, yeah," answered Pidge. "Which isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Korrin crossed her arms. "How? I don't have as much energy. I tire out easily, I'm physically weaker, and I don't seem to have my powers."

"A lot of that may also be results of having...expired...for some time."

"You know you can say I died. It's not--what's the word?--'taboo'?"

The green paladin fidgeted. "I just don't like that word...and with Shiro missing..."

Korrin placed a hand on the shorter girl. "Shiro is still alive, you hear me?"

Blinking back oncoming tears, Pidge nodded, composing herself. "Right. Anyways, back to the topic at hand. Give your body time to readjust. I'm sure once you've gotten accustomed to your new limbs, your physical abilities will improves as well. Regarding your powers...I'm not entirely sure. Don't think of yourself as weaker, think of it as being stable."

"You might have a point," Korrin said, thoughtfully. "Before, my negative emotions and power surges would near set me off like a bomb. Guess I don't have to worry about that now."

Back in the training room, Korrin wiped the sweat from her forehead and stood up. With her rigorous training, she had become more stable and confident in using her legs. A training bot stood about ten feet from her, unmoving. She took several deep breaths, exhaling sharply. Extending her hand towards the bot, she closed her eyes and focused on the energy inside of her, trying to remember how she had used her powers before. Her breathing steadied as she continued to take deep breaths, determined not to give up. She reached inside herself and began to feel her power growing, starting in her chest and slowly making it's way through her arm to her hand. She opened her eyes and focused on the bot. As the feeling reached her fingertips, the forced exploded and sent her reeling backwards.

"Damn it!" she exclaimed angrily, slamming her fist on the floor. She stood and went through the same motions. Again, the force exploded at her fingertips. She stood again. Explosion. She stood. Explosion. "Arghh!!!" At last, she just lay sprawled out on the floor, the cool temperature a welcomed feeling against her hot and sweaty body. She just stared at the ceiling, wondering what Shiro would say to her if he were there. "You'd probably give me a lecture on not pushing myself too hard," Korrin said aloud. "That it will take time to get back to normal...whatever that is." She chuckled to herself and sat up. "We will find you, Shiro. I promise."

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