Ch@pter 41

492 21 0

Sky sighed as she sat by the stream to relax and eat. Some strange looking birds flew from above her head. She didn't pay much mind to it but that doesn't mean she didn't sense that vile aura of death. She could tell that those birds had killed but chose to keep her nose out of it. The last thing she needs right now is to get herself in unnecessary troubles and battles. Yeah, call her selfish. If it were the modern world she would have wasted no time in digging up the evil doings but it's not her era it's the past where she has learned to be cautious and single minded. She'll take risks after her sisters are sent to their post up somewhere in the heavens, away from this exploitative world. She looked away and began to eat her lunch.

Her ears perked up as she heard a very familiar whine.
"God, why does everything have to be so complicated?" Kagome dragged, "the easiest way will take a hundred years and where the hell is the realm of fire?"

Sky walked towards her troubled voice. "Kagome?" She called from behind. The team looked up at the newcomer.

"Skylar!" Shippo hopped into her arm to welcome "how have you been?!"

"I've been fine, dear!" Sky replied as she scanned the team. All but Inuyasha was there. Her gut told her she should stick with them for some reason. She observed many demon bird flying to the verge where she was curious and always kept an ear out for the news of the strange birds' movements back and forth from somewhere to some place.

"How have you all been?" She asked.

"We've been busy" Sango answered looking a bit tired.

"So what's bothering you all?" She casually asked.

The gang exchanged a look except for shippo who was busy receiving his candy treat from the silver haired human.

"Oh, we are searching for ways to get to Inuyasha's old man's grave." Shippo answered as he opened this lollipop and began to suck on it. When he looked up at his friends they had this weird expression that he had a hard time understanding. Sky was a friend wasn't she? Then why does it seem from their expression that they didn't want her to know. He looked up at Sky who had a poker face that he couldn't​ read to know what was going in her mind.

"What are you doing here?" Inuyasha spoke as he entered the camping area. She turned to him to look at him. Shippo still in her arms.

"Well I was loitering about trying to figure out my business when I stumbled upon the team." She explained trying not to sound rude.

"Heh" Inuyasha breathed out as he dumped some firewood on the ground which Miroku picked up to light. "Whatever!"

Sky looked down knowing well that Inuyasha was still pissed. It's not like she wasn't but then again she was acting out a lot lately. She realised she was being overbearing. But with everything coming back to her, the past clawing at her and demons wanting to kill her for reasons she was not clear about. She felt moody under the pressure of the guardianship she was handed at a very young age and her duty compelled her to be single minded about her mission and the only way she knew how to do it included, for the most part, pushing people away.

"You want something?" Inuyasha growled as he noticed her just standing there thinking hard about something. Maybe he was being unreasonably harsh. But then it's not like she wasn't. Her actions felt all too similar to his own from the time before he met Kagome and others and it erked him to no end! She kept dangerous secrets to herself that's been threating her time and time again. Sesshomaru, Naraku and that strange demoness, Itami, all were, for some reason, after her. Well, he had a clue about why Naraku was but had no idea why the other two wanted her dead so bad.

Sky shook her head without a word aimed at him. With a sad small smile she looked at the others by the camp fire. "It was nice seeing you guys, I'll leave now!" She forced a cheerful voice.

Kagome stood up as if wanting to say something along the lines of staying with them as she felt her other modern day companion looked lost and should stay until she finds a way to whatever​ her mission was. Well the young Miko always had an instinct for it and she was sure she was correct. But no voice came out of her as Sky left silently. She gave a gentle yet meaningful look to Inuyasha which he saw was full of concern. Well it was valid considering her clumsy history of stumbling into unwanted trouble. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't relived when he saw her. He's been worried about her eversince he came back after their argument back at her home. He smelt her around places where there had been threats! He also faintly caught her smell on Koga. So, naturally he was worried.

He sighed as he met Kagome's gaze that was full of the desire to keep her around just to be sure of her safety. They did cross path with Sesshomaru a few days ago. She didn't want her doing the same.

Inuyasha left and followed to where Sky had left. She hasn't been around long, but he wanted to keep her safe. It's not like he had feelings for her or something. He for some reason couldn't help but treat her as a sister he never had. And they haven't even been together for long. It doesn't even make sense!!

Hey guys, it's your shitty author, Junialan! I know I've kept you all waiting for a looongggggg time. Promised that I'd upload soon but not fulfilling it as said.
I hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading and keeping up with me and my faithless updates. Thanks for you love and support, means a lot!!!

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