Ch@pter 8

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"Inuyasha, if you are trying to stall. I'm warning you I will S-I-T you a hundred times!" Kagome warns him.

"But you came back just two days ago!" Inuyasha reasoned "you are going back way too soon" he slipped his hands under his sleeves.

"But I have a really big test day after tomorrow!" She countered "Damn, I almost forgot about it!" She whine and messed her hair in desperation
"Whatever demon it is Kagome, why don't you let me deal with it?" Inuyasha offered.

Kagome sweat dropped. "I wish it were that simple" she told herself.

"Hey, Kagome," Shippo climbed on her left shoulder "don't forget my treat, OK" He demanded.

"Sure" Kagome agreed.

They soon reached the area of the bone eaters well. They usually would visit Kaede first, but today they took to the bone eaters well first. It didn't occur to them why?

Inuyasha stopped in his tracks as he began to sniff the area. He frowned.

"Is something wrong, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked as he noticed him sniff.

"This scent" He spoke seriously "Someone else was here"

"Maybe some villager visited the area" Sango suggested.

"No, it wasn't any villager, I assure you that" He confidently stated.

"Then who? you know the person?" Kagome asked.

"It's her," he lashed out towards the Goshinboku tree. His gang followed behind. When they reached the area they found him sniff around like a dog.

"The smell's of yesterday" he predicted "she went this way" he broke into a run.

"Kirara!" Sango called out to her two tailed cat, who transformed into a big demon cat.
Sango, Kagome and Miroku got on her. Shippo on Miroku's shoulder. Kirara took off and soon caught up with Inuyasha.

"Care to tell us, who 'she' is, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked.

He got no answer. Inuyasha kept running. His heart was thumping fast not due to running but fear. He was feeling a deep sense of protection towards her. He's been getting a hunch now that something bad is going to happen to her. How does he know? No idea. Why does he care? No clue for that either. The first thing they ever did was argue but yet again.... 'Why?' He questioned himself.

Soon they reached a village. Her scent led in there. Inuyasha ceased his running but kept a fast pace to which his gang had a hard time catching up.

"Inuyasha! What's wrong?" Kagome asked as she jogged beside him to keep up.

"Something bad is going to happen" was all he said. Kagome still was having a hard time figuring out who 'she' was!

'Is it Kikiyo?' She thought, this caused her to slow down. Her heart having a tug of war.

"Hey Human, did you see a weird looking girl pass this village yesterday?" He asked a man who was probably going to till his land. People there recognized him and his gang. His gang helped them rid off a demon not a long time ago.

"Hmm," the man thought hard "weird looking..."

"Ya, she had silver short hair, and dressed up similar to her" he pointed at Kagome.

It then dawned upon her "That girl! How did she get here?" She questioned herself.

"Oh, that strange girl. Yup, she passed this village I saw her heading south." The man finally recalled "she was strange I must say. She kept asking what time is it and what era are we living in. I wonder if she was mad!" He finished. But Inuyasha didn't stay long to hear his last comment.

"Thanks" Kagome thanked the villager as the gang too broke into a run to catch up to Inuyasha.

"Do you know her, Kagome?" Sango asked her while running to catch up to a certain frantic hanyou.

"I guess" Kagome answered "The description he gave resembled to a girl we ran into in my time." she finished as they reached the outskirts of the village.

"Who is she" Miroku asked.

"Later" Kagome said speeding up to fall into step with now walking Hanyou.

"Which way did she go?" She asked when she reached beside him.

He pointed towards the deep forest. "But I don't like the smell of it".


A pair of pitch black eyes observed a certain silver haired girl, in strange foreign clothes, trying to catch fish. She frowned. I don't like her appearance, hence she don't deserve to live. She let out a sinister chuckle. Itami, Demon of Minds and Dark Energy. Daughter of the fallen Mind demon, Izumi and the titled traitor Lord Kage.

She was recently awaken from her cursed sleep, due to a shikon shard.

Itami was ruthless and a killing machine. She killed all and forgave none. She hunted the man who rejected her mother resulting to her birth in a broken, oppressive family. She hated her existance.

Skylar was all engrossed in the "fish-hunt" that she almost missed the flaring dark aura behind, in the woods. She stiffed as she came to picked up the demonic presence.

"This will be fun!" Itami's wicked voice spoke as Sky slowly turned to look at her. She gasped as she sensed the danger the woman brought to her. She was drabbed in blood red kimono that was tattered at the hem. Her hair was as dark as her eyes.

Skylar was still for a while, looking straight at the mad looking lady. Soon enough she recovered from the sudden appearance of the woman.

"Aren't you afraid, Human?" She taunted her. Sky soon composed herself wearing a calm mask.

"Nah! though you do look a bit... retarded." Skylar retorted maintaining her poker face. This for some reason irritated Itami.

She let out a scream before pouncing on the human to claw her with the deadly long nails.

I hope you all aare enjoying!
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Lots of love

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