Ch@pter 38

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"Let's stop here" Koga said to his companions.

"Thank goodness!" Ginta exclaimed.

Sky simply laughed between her deep breaths. "I feel you, brother" She patted Ginta's shoulder. Koga simply looked back at her.

The team soon lit a campfire and Sky roasted some edible mushrooms.

Koga noticed her close. She looked pretty in front of burning fire that gave her complexion a golden orange tint. She looked so fragile, yet she ran with him all day without any complains. She was a kind he never imagine could exist. She and Kagome seem to share similar heart except this girl's temper and impulse rivalled Inuyasha's.

"Um.." Sky interrupted Koga's thought after she sensed him starting at her for a while now "do I have horns?" She asked.

"What?!" Koga sounded confused. But after a while he came to his senses and shook his head with a voiceless laugh. He moved his gaze away from her.
"You don't have horns," he replied "But you do have silver hair. Are you 80 because I always knew only old and aged humans have white hair. " He teased. There was no way he was telling his true thoughts anytime soon.

Sky threw a stick at him that he effortlessly caught. "Very funny" she stick her tongue at him and looked away with a pout. For some reason Koga's heart throbbed faster against his chest. He gasped and abruptly stood up.

"Where are you going boss?" Hakkaku asked as he noticed him leave.

"Hunt" he shortly answered without turning to look at them.

"Wait a minute," Sky interrupted "didn't you just eat?"

Koga's cheeks heated up as he sprinted away screaming "my apatite is more than you know!" And left a trail of dust behind him.

Ginta and Hakkaku blinked in confusion. "That's odd" Ginta commented but simply dismissed it.

Koga stopped after he knew he was far enough. 'Damn' He thought. What is happening to him? Why did he get so nervous back there?
He was quite confused as this has never happened before.
Was he attracted to her? It can't be! If he were he would make it known. Just like he did to Kagome!
He messed his hair and crouched down. "How foolish of me!" He said as he looked up at the moon "Well can't do anything about it." He stood up gaining his composure. He just needs to keep it together. He sighed.

Hey guys!!! How's everything?? Liked the chapter?
Hehehe. I know the chapter is short but I had no idea what o was going to write until I actually wrote it. Though I am not sure of this ship. What do you think?? Do tell! And don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter 😊

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