Ch@pter 18

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"Hey boss, wait up!" Ginta and Hakkaku pleaded their boss.
Koga simply ignored them and kept running. He spent most of the time hunting Naraku and his incarnation, Kagura, to avenge his people whom Kagura mercilessly killed.
Actual plan of Naraku was to frame Inuyasha for the murder of his tribesmen. But truth soon came out and since then he's been hunting.

Koga abruptly stopped and began to sniff. He could smell something fimiliar. Something 'foul-familiar'. He scrunched his nose. He tried to sniff someone else around but none.
As soon as Ginta and Hakkaku caught up with their boss, he took off again.
"Hey boss!" They both called out in vain. Both sighed and sweat dropped before continuing their attempt to catch up.

Sky followed the sound of water and hence reached a hot spring which made her release a sigh of relief. It was almost sunset by now, so she thought it was a good idea to take a dip and relax.
She took off her clothes and wrapped a towel around her. She began to hum tunes as she cleaned herself off all the dirt of the day.
Was it an evenful day or what? Soon realisation struck her and she sweat dropped. Inuyasha will kill her after she goes back. After all she has to return home. There's no way she can avoid his wrath. She sighed and looked up at the twilight sky and engaged her mind with other taughts. She counted and it turns out it was just a week before blue moon. She needed to get ready.

She got out of the spring and reached for her freash pair of clothes but was knocked off her feet in a very compromising position. All she had was a towel to maintain what was left of her decency and dignity.

Koga followed the trail of the scent he picked up earlier and it lead him to a hotspring. He peaked from behind the bush to spot a rather familiar white head and pounced without even looking once he notice the head rose to get out.

"Mutt!" He began but couldn't continue when he looked at the figure. It was a female.

Sky looked up annoyed when she heard the guy call her a mutt. She got hold of a rock from nearby and smacked Koga with it. She then quickly grabbed her clothes and ran behind a bush.

Koga soon recovered from the hit "Damn!" He rubbed the bump on his head "You are not him".

Sky came out from behind the Bush all dressed up in her grey tank and black trouser. "I'm not who?" She asked, her words soaked with anger and annoyance.

"That half-breed mutt" He answered taking notice of the silver haired fuming girl in front him. "I thought you are him" He slowly closed the distance between them and stood too close to her for her comfort.
Sky smacked his face with the rock again. Man, he didn't notice her holding to that rock.

"STOP WITH THE HITTING!" Koga yelled in annoyance.

"WHY SHOULD I?" Sky yelled back "I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO!"

"What do you mean?" Koga raised an eyebrow. He got another hit for an answer before she let drop the rock.

"Man, you must be one amateur sniffer" Sky commented.

Koga balled his fist. "Watch that tongue of yours human, or I'll chop them off"

"Try that and I'll chop your hands off, demon" was her retort before she picked up her bag and exited the scene leaving Koga stumped for a while.

"Hey!" Koga followed her "It wasn't my mistake you smell like that mutt"

"What 'mutt' are you referring to?" Sky's guard was up. Demon's with sharp sense of smell were trouble for sure.

"That half breed, Inuyasha" Koga spoke his name like a foul taste.

"Then sniff again, because you are mistaken." Sky spoke "Considering the fact that I was traveling with him it is only natural to carry his smell a bit"

"Humph!" Was all Koga said

"Why are you still here?" Sky asked after some minutes.

"Keeping you company" Koga answered.

"I don't need it" Her retort smacked him hard.

"You do" Koga jumped in front of her "it's dark and a forest like is dangerous for a human"

Sky flinched a bit "Why do you care. Aren't you one of those dangers?"

"Well, if you were traveling with Inuyasha you must be Kagomi's friend" He pointed.

"Whatever" Sky sighed and gave up on getting rid of him.

"You know I don't see many silver haired humans here!" Koga broke the silence while Sky prepared her fire.

"Well I'm not from here" Sky breifed now roasting a couple of mushrooms she identified as edible.

The sun had set and the stars were out. Sky laid on her back and was lost deep in her thoughts.

"Tomorrow I'll drop you off to Kagome" This made Sky sit up with a jerk.

"What? No!" She almost screamed

"Why not?" Koga asked.

"None of your business"

"Well do you expect me to tolerate you until you plan to go back?" Koga ask now standing over her.

"Look buddy" Sky stood up face to face with Koga "I did't ask you to be around." Both glared at each other "So whatever compels you to 'protect' me you can let it drop, I can do things on my own"

"Whatever" Koga turned away "Don't come running to me when you get in trouble"

"Let's just say, I'm the trouble. I don't even know you to seek your company." Sky felt her body shiver with anger "Leave."
And that's exactly what Koga did, leaving a tornado of dust behind.

Hey guys! Here's the new chapter!
Sorry for the long pause. Was busy with studies 😊

Do vote and commemt😘

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