Ch@pter 17

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It's been days since Sky joined the gang and began to travel the feudal Japan. She observed everyone closely. They ran into a hand full of demons, some even possessed a shard of the jewel.

She really wanted to help them in the fight but usually ended up in the sidelines. All thanks to a certain dumbass halfbreed.

"Hey!" Shippo complained as Inuyasha ate his share of riceballs too.

"I'm a grown up okay! I need to eat more than you" Inuyasha said.

"But that's not fair!" Shippo protested.

"He's an arrogant ass alright" Sky shrewdly commented.

"What's your problem?" Inuyasha turned to her.

"Nothing." Sky casually began "Maybe because you've been baby-sitting me eversince I got here!" She ended up loud.

"I do nothing of that sort!" Inuyasha retorted.

"Oh yes you do!" Sky continued "You make me stand in the sidelines during a fight! You don't even let me take a walk on my own!" She balled her fist. She was never treated this way. She always walked in straight to her business and always got out. She was raised to be a protector and her instincts too said the same. But Inuyasha was being the one who treated her as helpless. To be frank she was feeling like to leave the group and get on with her plan to rescue the guardians Kokoru and Momoru.

"Actually" Sango seconded her "You are somewhat being overprotective of her."

"No, I'm not!"  Inuyasha rejected the accusation "Look, you are a demon slayer, Kagome has her purification powers, what does she has?" Sky flinched at that "She can't protect or fight that well. She's just that human who think they can be on their own but can't be!" Inuyasha finished now looking down at Sky.

"What do you mean?" Sky went all cold and stern all of a sudden "I can and am very well capable of being on my own! I'm sure I fought off that crazy mad demon"

"Well yeah," Inuyaha stood up " but remember, you could have died after. Let me tell you, you are all impulsive and no brains"

"Look who's talking" Shippo said, which earned him a few head bumps.

"Hey, calm down you both" Kagome interjected.

Sky let out a heavy breath. She was losing temper. And snapped when Inuyasha said his last words slip.

"After all what can a human do in the fight between demons?"

Sky looked coldly at him. She turned and began to walk towards the forest.

"Sky?" Sango called.

"I'm leaving" She picked up her brown backpack without bothering to hear anyone and left. She, at first, walked but when she was sure to be far enough she couldn't hold back any longer. She began to punch a tree.
"What does that half breed think of himself. I'll show him." She breathed heavily. She then began to run. Run as far and fast she could. She didn't joined them to get pampered! She joined to fight and learn.

She stopped and gasped heavily for breath. Man, running on streets was so easy, but in a forest... It's a whole different story.

"Well, well" Sky heard someone speak from behind "Guess someone's running away"

Sky turned to see the wind sorceress and huffed. "What do you want?"

"Oh, my Lord wants you with him. He says you are wandering with the wrong lot" Kagura smiled behind her dancing fan.

"I do whatever I want! Stop bothering me" Sky maintained her posture and slid her hand inside her pocket.

"You know you agreed to help him. But then you go and befriend his enemies" Kagura slyly reminded. "He won't be happy that you backrd away"

"Whom I chose to be with and what I decide it's none of your concern." Sky said "And I never break a deal. I agreed to bond to his 'sisters' and I'll do it" She emphasised on 'sisters'.

Sky then turned away from her and began to walk away.

"Where do you think you're going" Kagura blocked her path. "I think I made it clear that you are to be at Naraku's castle!"

"And I think I made it clear that I'm not going!" Sky walked past her.

Kagura finally sighed and gave up. She pulled out one of her feathers from her bun and conjured it into a giant white feather. Sky looked up to see her fly by when something clicked.
"Hey!" She cupped her hands around her mouth and called out.

"What?" Kagura rudely responded.

"Can I get a lift?" Sky asked out of the blue.

"What's your name by the way?" Sky asked once she was let on the giant feather.

Kagura curiously looked at her for a while. "Kagura" She briefly answered.

"Nice to know!" Sky smiled a little "I'm Skylar" She introduce "I'm sure we haven't introduced" She then looked down and felt at peace. It is so good to fly! She took a deep breath and continued to enjoy her flight.


"INUYASHA! SIT" Kagome screamed, causing Inuyasha to plummet on his face. "YOU STUPID, STUPID ASS" She then stomped her foot and walked towards where Sky left, hoping to find her.

"What did I do?" Inuyasha asked.

"It's because of you that Sky's angry and left, dumbhead" Shippo hit his hear with his knuckles.

"Why you little.." He sat up as the charm of his beads wore off. "She'll came back, just wait and watch. How far can her human speed take her?" He stood up and dusted himself. He too then followed where Kagome headed, following Sky's scent.


"Well I'll get off here!" Sky informed Kagura. She descended down and jumped off the feather. "Thanks! See ya!" She waved as she raced out of the scene.

Kagura was lost for a while in the thoughts of the girl who just waved her goodbye. 'She's strange, alright' Kagura thought. She failed at understanding the girl.
Soon, she shook the thought and continued to return to Naraku's castle

Here's the new chapter guys :)
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Love ya!

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