Ch@pter 11

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They stood on the cliff, overlooking the big gauge. Sky observed the area, she looked up the blue sky and then down the cliff. It was dark down there and it seemed as if, even the stones down there were alive.

"Let's get going" Inuyasha commanded.
Kagomi mounted on Inuyasha's back and the rest on Kirara.
Soon they reached the bottom of the dark west forest. Sky felt a shiver run down her spine. She fell into a stupor as a vision hit her.

The girl ran and gasped as a hoard of deamons chased her. She entered the dark looking forest without any thought. She kept running and running until she tripped on a root. A sob left her as she hit the ground. 'I need to be strong. I will prove him.'
She stood up but something wrapped itself around her and began to drag her. She didn't have the courage to look at what it was and closed her eyes.
'Father..' her helpless mind screamed and then it was all over, there was no dragging.

"Hey! It's no time for day dreaming!" Inuyasha's loud voice brought her back. He stood there with his fist clutched and looking all too aggressive.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome inrrupted.

"Are you ok, Sky?" Miroku stood beside her looking concerned.
She nodded and then went still. Her veins popped and her fist collided with Miroku's cheeks that sent him several feet away.

"Pervert" She breathed out in anger and contiued walking into a direction that she knew would take her to the herb she needs.

"She sure is powerful!" Miroku commented from his fallen position from which nobody bothered to help him up.

Something slithered away from the path where Sango steped to which Kirara hopped off and growled at the direction.
"What is it Kirara?" Sango asked looking at her path of vision
Everyone turned their attention towards where the feline was growling.

"What the.." Inuyaha exclaimed, when Sky suddenly pushed Inuyasha and Kagome away and dropped Shippo. Both of them turned to see Sky being dragged by a long root.

"Skylar!" Inuyasha exclaimed and drew out tetsaiga. Kagomi quicky got hold of her bow and arrow and aimed. Her purifying pink glow burnt the root away.

Sky quickly rushed away from it. But stopped in her mid run. She looked back to where the attacker slithered to.

"We need to go in that direction" She pointed out.

"Don't be stupid" Inuyasha balled his fist.

"Don't you see that was a devil snare" Sky pointed.

"Let's be careful then"  Kagome picked up Shippo.

"What?" Inuyasha protested "You guys are staying here. I'll go and get it"

"Shut up" Sky casually mummbled as she led the way and the rest followed except Inuyasha who stood there irritated as well as dumbfounded. He soon gave in and followed.

Sky's power sparked and peaked here and there and her aura was weak. This didn't go unnoticed by the perverted monk and modern miko. They noticed it all.

"Sky?" Miroku called to which he got no answer. She was determined to get the cure for the harm she was a part of. She observed and calculated in her mind concerning their current situation. The dense cannopies of the forest obstructed most of the light. It was almost impossible for sunlight to reach the grove of the devil snare even if the canopies were to be removed. She sighed. Only if she had retured to her era and have not let her curiosity take over her.

She turned when she heard Miroku scream. Sango attacked the roots with her hrikotsu. But it had no effect on it, it instead got stuck in it's many other roots. Sky looked around and realised they have reached the grove.

The dark roots began to wrap themselves around the others. Sky frantically looked here and there for help. She felt fear, that squirmed  in the pit of her stomach. A yelp escaped her lips when a root caught her ankle and tugged. She quickly responded by stamping it with her free foot that somehow burned it.

"Let go of me" Inuyasha screamed while he wrestled the snare. Miroku and Sango too began to curse under their breath. Cursing and struggling under the death grip of the roots. Kagome, somehow fell unconscious.

Sky noticed well that it was doing no harm to Kagome. Suddenly she remembered Jeninji's word of advice 'Don't struggle against the roots'.

"Everybody STOP" She screamed which got theit attention. "Don't struggle against them"

"Easy for you to say" Inuyasha retorted.

"No, she's right, Inuyasha" Sango backed the girl.

Sky ran to where Kagome was, while everyone became still.

Sky burnt away the snare that gripped Kagomi's body. That was the very least she could do, for now.

Kagomi soonafter came to consciousness
"Kagome, we need light" Sky said.

"But, how? The forest isn't dry enough for that magnitude of forest fire" Kagome reasoned. She was right. Sky looked around. Her new companions were still. The struggle with the devil snare was over. The only problem now was to stop the roots from sucking their blood.

Sky went to Miroku and helped him out of the roots. "Your spiritual power might do the trick." She propounded.

She moved to free Sango but then a root pierced through her left shoulder. She let out a scream. Many roots then made their way to her. She was a threat to them, they have sensed that, atleast with her unstable aura. They advanced forward to recapture the miko and the monk too but were deflected by the barrier which Miroku fromed to shield himself and Kagome. Shippo at a distance lay untouched by the roots.

"Skylar!"Inuyasha exclaimed as he witnessed her drop in the pool of her own blood. The smell of her blood entered his nosetrills giving him a sense of fimilarity but couldn't place his finger on it. But a sense to protect her and Kagome surely overtook him. He began to struggle and fight.

"Inuyasha!" Kagomi exclaimed "Stop struggling! It will only kill you faster" and by that time the snare swollowed him whole.


Hey Fellas! Here's the new chapter. Do comment below and vote.
Will update soon😊

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