Ch@pter 23

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Hello, dear readers! I know I'm a terrible person but I can't help it my semester ending exams are just around the corner so yeah, the update will be super slow. So bear with me *peace*.
But anyway here's the new chapter. I hope you like it. There might be a little bit of violence here but other than that, it's fine :)
Do vote and comment!


2 centuries ago

"Mother!" The little girl screamed through the stampede as she struggled to make her way towards from where the villagers were running away.

"Haruto!" Priestess Rae called as she spotted the silver haired toddler running towards the danger. She got hold of her and picked her "We need to leave".

The little girl trashed around in the arms of the priestess. "Where is Mother?" She asked while struggling to fall out of the adult's tight grip.

"Your..." Priestess Rae began but was interrupted by a loud explosion.

"Mother!" Haruto screamed as she spotted a blue figure fall and smack right on the ground. She quickly jumped out of the tight grip and made her way for her beaten mother.

"Mother!" Haruto ran to the shivering figure. The long blue strands of her hair stuck to her pale bloodied face as she looked up to see her daughter come running towards her

"Go. Hide." Her mother could barely manage a whisper.

As soon as Haruto reached her mother another demoness landed on the ground. She was dressed in red and had blood red hair.
She let out a sadistic smirk as her gaze fell on the little white head.
"Well look who it is!" She began "The little bastard" She pulled out her dagger and readied it to throw it at her "Die, bitch" the dagger came at Haruto to which the little girl closed her eyes. Scared.

But the dagger couldn't pierce her body as a barrier deflected it. Priestess Rae made the shield.

"Not on my watch, Itami." Rae intervened

Having a very short temper, Itami let out a loud scream. Haruto looked around to see the heads of the villagers explode which caused her to stumble back. She ran and hid under her mother's blood soaked kimono.

Itami tried to do the same to the bold priestess that she did to the villagers but something obstructed her.

Rae was great with shields. She didn't let it show but Itami was pretty strong for her and she didn't know how long she could keep it on.

Haruto carefully observed the fight going on between Priestess Rae and Itami. She slowly sensed her mother tighten a grip on her small petite body.

Her mother picked her up and tried to sneak away from where the fight was going on. She soon broke into a run.

Itami noticed that her acutal blue haired prey was gone. She paused for a while, allowing her current opponent to take a breath. Itami scanned the area to spot the blue blob running away.

"Izumi" She bitterly whispred. She was fed up of Rae. She gave out a shriek as she split into three forms. One form of hers was all midnight blue while the other was pitch black. The former one was known as Pain while the latter Fear. Itami herself was Control.

Haruto gasped as she saw Itami spit into three.
Itami then looked at her and began to speed towards them but Rae came in between.
Itami had already had enough of her so she looked at Pain and gave a signal to which the latter nodded.

Pain then sneaked behind the Priestess and pierced her with her elongated nails.

Haruto cried as she witnessed her caretaker getting killed. She shut her ears as a loud scream of pain escaped from Rae's lips.
Haruto looked away while her mother, Izumi still ran with the kid wrapped in her arms.

"Haruto!" Her mother slowly whispered "You'll have to live."

All this while Itami pursued the couple from behind along with the other two of her incarnations. Fear took a long jump and kicked Izumi from behind, knocking her to the ground.

At a lightning speed to save her only daughter, Izumi sneaked her into a hole and swapped her for a dead child that was close to where she fell.
Haruto gasped and whimpered as the presence of her mother left her but a look from the parent stopped her from making any sound.

"Well well well. How the mighty have fallen" Pain mocked while Itami circled around the fallen figure.

Izumi mustered some strength and picked herself up to run away from the three while holding the bundle protectively in her arms, under her kimono.

Fear gave a chuckle at this pathetic attempt of the great wolf demoness. A sadistic idea came to the three, and so they let Izumi run a couple of hundred meters. They all casually walked away from their present spot, away from the pit where Haruto was hidden.

Izumi was knocked off her feet again and the three circled around her like vultures around a dead body.

"What's the matter" Pain prodded at her with her leg.

"I see you are scared," Fear spoke "for that no good of a daughter of yours!" She taunted.

"You should have let her die." Itami finally said "Why did the pair of you had to be such an accepting parents?" She pulled Izumi by her hair prompting her head upwards. "You are the reason I came to be. Why fake the goodness you show your daughter? Huh?" She punched her.

"We ruined nobody's life" Izumi defended.

"What was that?" Itami thretingly asked.

"He didn't love your mother. He love me." Izumi screamed "We ruined nobody's life! You did it to yourself!" This resulted into a kick in her gut.

"We'll see about that!" Itami mocked "What do we have there?" She eyed the bundle in Izumi's arms beneath her kimono. She tugged at it which Izumi shook off.

"Getting protective, huh? Well" She looked at Pain who snapped her fingers and something popped and the already bloody kimono of the wolf demoness oozed with more blood. Izumi screamed in horror as she peaked in to see the small body oozing with a blasted head.

Pain inserted her hands inside Izumi's kimono and pulled out the body that was now headless. "Well that's the end of your little angel" She shook it around and menacingly laughed.

Haruto gasped and looked away when she saw the small headless body being heartlessly shook around like a trophy. She ducked inside her hiding spot and sobbed.

She peaked up again after sometime to see Pain clawing out her mother's heart out, Izumi's eyes open wide and her mouth agape, her scream stuck in her throat.

"Where's your mate now, Izumi?" Itami asked as the light of life was exhausted from Izumi's eyes.

The trio sadistically laughed as they looked at the two bodies with triumph. Suddenly, Fear fell as a beam of energy hit her from behind.

"Guess there is still a little life left in this bitch" Pain turned to face priestess Rae who had her sutra beads out and was chanting an incantation. She looked up at them when she completed her chant "You've crossed the line, Itami" Rae said as she thretingly eyed the trio.

Itami's eyes widened as she sensed the sealing incantation. The area where the three stood had a circle drawn with scriptures completely engraved.
Priestess Rae then erupted into a light and then there was nothing but silence. The area where Itami and her incarnations stood now had nothing but a big black crystal boulder.

Haruto crawled out of her hiding place and ran towards her lifeless mother. On her way towards the body, she tripped on something. She looked at the object only to identify it as her mother's heart that was clawed out a while ago.
A stream of tears fell out of her eyes as she hysterically ran to her mother to look for comfort but there came none.


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