Ch@pter 3

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Sesshomaru looked up at the moonlit sky. He was walking with his companions Rin and Jaken along with the two-headed dragon, Ah-Un. Rin hummed to herself while Jaken kept mumbling something about the annoying human child.

Sesshomaru stopped in his tracks as he caught a familiar scent. A demon landed in front of him causing Jaken to jump several feet off the ground. He was dressed in dark blue Kimono with a slim armour over it. He had his blue hair tied in high pony-tail. His ears were pointy with ocean blue eyes. Jaken had heard about him. The wolf demon from far off land, last known keeper of his celestial heritage.

"Rem" Sesshomaru acknowledged

"They've been abducted" Rem firmly stated. Jaken stood there stumped. He dares not ask a question in the middle of the conversation. Rin stopped humming and listened to them silently.

"Yes, I'm aware of that" Sesshomaru said in his monotone.

"You were supposed to look after them," Rem said a bit enraged.

There was a brief pause.

"They were the one who refused to stay," Sesshomaru said in his usual emotionless tone.

Rem soon gave up. He knew there was no point arguing. He let out a sigh "They say there was a strange girl seen"

"A girl?" Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow.

"She carried a mirror" Rem further informed.

"A girl with a mirror?" Sesshomaru mused.

"You have ideas?" Rem asked.

Sesshomaru nodded as he resumed walking "Naraku" He confidently stated.

"Are you certain?" Rem asked not moving from his spot

"No one else can dare such thing. Naraku is after power. They are the key to it" Sesshomaru kept his slow, graceful pace.

"You think we should wait for her. She was their protector after all" Rem suggested.

"Rem," Sesshomaru stopped in his track his back on everyone "Only if she can come out of her grave".

"We never knew if she died" Rem reminded.

"She was only human" Sesshomaru bitterly countered "Humans die". Rin cringed at that a bit, but Sesshomaru paid no mind to it.

"But what if..." Rem tried to see hope.

"Its been about two hundred years!" Sesshomaru cut him off in raised voice "Humans don't last that long, and we never found her. She's dead" He concluded in a tone which said 'no further argument'. "I need to go. I've no time to waste in useless conversation".

Rem's expression sobered. "She'll return" He slowly whispered before taking off leaving Sesshomaru alone with his followers.

Sesshomaru stood still for a while. His mind in some thought we'll never know. "Rin" He finally spoke, "Get rest".

"Yes Milord" She obeyed as she began to pick up fallen sticks for the campfire. Her usual cheery humming silent now.

"Milord" Jaken came up to him after helping Rin set up the fire "If I may. Who was he talking about?" He trembled a bit when Sesshomaru gave him a stern glance. "I'm sorry, milord" He fell to the ground apologising about how dare he poke his nose in such matters and stuff. Rin went to sleep, probably wounded by what her Lord said.


"Promise you'll protect them," The old man asked her

"With my life" She patted her chest with her small fist proudly.

"I know you will" The little red haired girl, Momoru, hugged her tight.

"Ya, we'll be sisters" Amber haired child, Kokoru, joined the group hug.

"We'll protect each other, forever" Both Kokoru and Momoru stated together.


Sky woke up to the bright sunlight coming from her window. She yawned and stretched as she sat up on her bed. "Gawd! I slept in" She groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning!" She greeted her brother, Takumi.

He glanced at her with his emerald green eyes, his blond hair falling over his forehead. He was leisurely sitting on his spot on the dining table, blissfully devouring his pancakes as breakfast "You slept in, Lark" He commented as he sipped his share of orange juice.

"Yea, I figured that out," She said, scratching her head prompting Takumi to smirk "For some reason, I feel all too worn out. And a strange thing happened yesterday" She said taking her place on the table pouring herself some juice and putting pancakes on her plate and dug in.

"I was meaning to tell you yesterday but I fell asleep by the time you came home, I presume" She explained.

"Sorry, my bad" Takumi apologised as he put his fork down "There's a girl in my class who tends to miss school out of strange diseases. I sometimes doubt that they even exist! I had to take care of her passing in my subject" He explained, resuming to eat. He was a new teacher at the Junior High middle school, teaching Science there. "So what were you going to tell me?"

"Oh! these weird things have been happening!" Sky began "Yesterday I was walking home, I felt this weird pulsing sensation.... THRICE!!' She exclaimed "Then these bands began to glow and somewhat heat up" She raised her hands with her fork in her left hand "and then I ran into this guy who's dressed in old fashioned clothes and is not human but a halfbreed..."

"Wait, a half-breed?" Takumi cut her off.

"Ya! He had two dog ears popping out on top" She gestured along with it with her hands on top of her head and her fingers attempting to show ears but ended up like horns "Though the girl with him said it as fake and he is in drama class"

"and you are sure she was lying?"

"Of course, she was lying!" She confidently said "I could sense his aura"

Takumi frowned at this "I'll call grandpa" He informed.

Sky nodded "hmm, but you know, his aura gave me a familiar feeling like I've faced or known someone with similar but more powerful aura. It felt familiar..." She got up from her seat and placed her plate in the sink. Takumi closely followed her move.

"I'll get ready" She announced, "I think I'll visit Yui and Mia"

Your read means a lot! Thanks😊

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