Ch@pter 25

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Here comes the new chapter ^_^ As the new year is close and we still aren't over Christmas warmth, and also because it's a holiday I'll try to update almost everyday as a present from my side to you, my lovely readers I treasure the most!
Do vote and comment :)
Love ya all!


Sky ran and ran. She focused hard on Kagura's aura which didn't seem to be very far.

The sun was down for a nap now, but tonight was much more important for someone to rest with the sun. The moon slowly climbed up the sky, making it's way up higher. It wasn't until an hour or so before the moon aligned itself to the center to the big lake.

"You won't get away this time, Naraku" Inuyasha drew his sword out.

Naraku all but smirked as he looked up to see the moon. Only an hour of wait away and his plan would be a success. He'd use the human as his puppet to wield the power of the Gate-keepers for world domination. He'd have heaven and hell in his grasp and with the help of the Shikon jewel the earth would be his. All this thought made him chuckle louder.

"What are you laughing about?" Inuyasha barked "I'll rip you apart!" He readied the Tetsaiga and used the windscar.

Sesshomaru calmly made his way towards the foul stench to the half demon, Naraku. A gust of wind-scar told him of the presence of Inuyasha and his gang.
He drew his sword, Tokijin as he entered the scene. The fight between the two half breed paused.

Naraku chuckled harder which then morphed into a cocky laughter.
"Guess all my enemies would have the privilege to witness me come to power tonight!" Naraku boasted.

Sesshomaru didn't bother to speak instead chose to let his attacks do the talking.

The fight resumed. Naraku deployed all his wasps. Also Kagura landed in the battleground to take on Kagome and Sango.

Naraku's attention fell on the moon which was now right at the center of the lake they were fighting at the banks of. His wasp also told him of his pawn, Skylar, making her way to the grounds. He wasn't sure at first that she would keep her end of the promise, that's why he had his wasps keep an eye on her. He was deeply unsettled when he saw her gang-up with Inuyasha. But now it all seemed as a temporary arrangement to him. Sky was coming to him. Silly humans and their morality and honour, it always lead them towards eternal doom.

"Kanna, now!" On his one command the mirror in Kanna's hand gave out a bright light rendering all his enemies immobile.

Inuyasha gave out a loud frustrated scream as he tried to move and break free from the spell.
Sesshomaru too tried to break free. But all the struggle stopped when two figures emerged out of Kanna's mirror.

Sesshomaru's demonic aura flared and broke him free from the spell. He almost attacked Naraku but a giant tenticles came in the way which he sliced. He swung his demonic sword but stopped midway when an irritatingly familiar smell invaded his olfactory system. He turned to look.  She was standing there panting heavily with her silver hair disheveled. His nose scrunched up as if a reflex.

"It was about time, Skylar" Naraku spoke.

"What?" Inuyasha exclaimed "You are with him?"

"Sky.." Kagome whispered feeling almost betrayed.

"Well, like I told ya. I keep my word" Sky said slowly and calmly walking towards the blind folded Keepers.

"You filthy bitch!" Inuyasha cursed.

Sky turned to look at him "Shut up!" Her stern voice cut him off "It's none of your business."
Inuyasha was taken aback by this hostility. He balled his fist and struggled harder to break himself from to spell. Maybe he misjudged her. He'll teach her!

Sky swiftly dodged the fist that almost hit her. Sesshomaru then threw a kick at her which she again managed to dodge. Tonight was her night and she would let nobody ruin it.

At Naraku's signal Kagura jumped between the girl and the dog demon.

Sky gave a dark smirk before turning around, making her way to the centre of the lake. Kanna's spell allowed her to walk on the water.
She held both the keepers hand now standing between them both. She looked up to see the blue tinge of the moon darken.

Kokoru flinched at the cold touch of a human. "Look child, you don't know what you are stepping into. Whatever lies he fed you, just know he's evil"

Sky chuckled as she heard Kokoru speak.

"It's not the matter of laughing, girl!" Momoru hotly remarked "You must be out of your mind or pure evil to be agreeing to him"

"Oh don't worry, you'll see" Sky sassed "until then, it's none of your business"

The blue rays of the moon vertically fell on the three.

Sesshomaru let out an angry strong wave of his aura knocking Kagura out. He turned his gaze towards Sky and the twin keepers.
Kagome finally freed herself and the gang of the spell just a second before the rays struck the three figures.

Sky's body pulsed as the dormant energy core within her slowly awoke.
A smirk identical to Sky's spread across the keeper of heaven, Kokoru's and keeper of hell, Monoru's face as they both became aware of the energy gradually connecting to their core.

"It's show time!" Sky calmly announced with both the ladies agreeing to her statement.


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