Ch@pter 22

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Hey, guys! Here's the new chapter!
Well, I did plan to update twice a week but I am so stuck with exams and stuff that I can only manage weekly updates. I'm sorry that my book is going so slow, but I'm trying :)

Thanks for sticking so far, my unicorns! Do vote and comment to let me know how you feel about it :)



"She's burning" Sky heard Inuyasha's voice say. She could feel a pair of strong arms carrying her and she knew it belonged to the same person. She snuggled her face in his chest like a baby a took in his smell before opening her eyes, he smelled of grass and mist along with something sweet like nectar.

Sky silently looked up the evening sky as Inuyasha carried her.

Shippo was the first one to notice her awake, which made him jump off Miroku's shoulder and climb up inuyasha's head. Before Inuyasha could ask him anything Shippo greeted Sky "It's good to see you awake, Sky." This made Inuyasha look down, forgetting the kit on his head.

He gave a relieved sigh. "Hey" He greeted before letting her stand on her wobbling feet. He pulled his sleeves up and Sango somewhat sensed what was coming so she came in between as soon as Inuyasha screamed "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING RUNNING OFF LIKE THAT!" He threw his fist while Sango attempted to hold him back, Shippo falling off his head and on the ground. Miroku too came and attempted to hold Inuyasha back from behind "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU MADE US WORRY?"
Sky flinched a bit almost loosing her balance as she felt weak with fever. Kagome caught her before she could fall and shook her head "Inuyasha," She thretingly looked at him to which he humphed. "We should stop here for tonight". Inuyasha simply nodded his head and left the scene, shippo following his trail.

Kagome helped Sky on the ground, supporting her against the tree. She breathed out a laboured breath. Kagome unrolled Sky's blue sleeping bag and tucked her in. Cold water was brought in a plastic container which Kagome always carried. Sango than proceeded to dip a cloth in the water and placed the wet cloth on her forehead, that made her sigh in relief. Her throat was too sore to make any sound so she resolved not to speak.

Miroku sat beside her and smiled. "I hope you get well soon" He wished, giving a genuine smile before helping her up while Kagome made her drink some medicinal syrup.

Inuyasha soon came into the scene with a bundle of dried logs and sticks accompanied by shippo while Sky fussed about not drinking anymore of Kagome's medicine.
Inuyasha shook his head and joined the three people surrounding her. "If you don't drink the medicine I'll tell Takumi of this" Inuyasha threatened as he got hold of both her thrashing hands, letting Kagome make her drink the rest of the medicine.

Inuyasha aggressively ate his roasted fish a bit away from the rest of the group while Sky was fast asleep.
Kagome sighed and made her way to where Inuyasha sat.
"Hey!" She greeted before sitting beside him "Why are you sulking, Inuyasha?" She gently asked.

"You know exactly why" He deadpanned.

"But aren't you glad she's alright" Kagome absently commented.

Inuyasha crossed his arms huffing "I wonder why she insists on coming here, while we all can see how much trouble she runs into each time she's alone." He rubbed his face in exhaustion "She almost had a death wish standing up against Sesshomaru like that!" He barked.

Kagome looked down feeling a bit uneasy at how much Inuyasha cared for Sky. Eversince she entered the feudal era, he's been running around saving her and not caring even if they found no jewel shard in past five days.

Sango joined them both and sat on the other side of Inuyasha. She smiled at both of them, clearly aware of what they have been talking about. "You know Inuyasha" Sango began "Sky's more or less a lot like you" This statement got both of them turn to her.
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.

"She's impulsive and stubborn like you." The demon slayer continued "And she is as dense as you to realise she has friends who are here to help her out with whatever has been bothering her" At this Kagome perked up .

"You noticed it too, Sango?" She asked.

"Huh?" Inuyasha blinked in confusion.

Sango gave a nod of confirmation. Inuyasha looked to and fro between the two girls.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked

"I think she is up to something" Sango conveyed. "She's being a target to many. There must be a reason behind it." She turned to Inuyasha "Days ago you smelled her with Kagura with no sign of fight in the area. You and I both know she'll put up a good fight if someone were to force on her."

Inuyasha nodded. Trying to comprehend what the girls were saying.

"Sesshomaru is violent with her to the extent of killing her." Kagome pointed out.

"Isn't he always?" Inyasha commented.

"No! As far as we know him, he doesn't try to kill just anyone without any reason. I think he smells something in her" Kagome countered. "Even I feel something strange in her aura. She has the presence of this suppressed energy in her which I can't place my finger on, because it's so faint. But that time when we entered the dark forest to get the devil's snare, her aura flared up for a second and let me assure you, that energy wasn't at all miko energy, it was something else" Kagome furrowed her brow as she told them of her view.

"You mean to say..."

"We need to keep an eye on her" Sango interrupted Inuyasha.

Everyone nodded in agreement and stood up.

"Well, it's late. We all should rest" Kagome suggested before getting up "Good night!" She greeted as she made her way to her yellow sleeping bag and tucked herself in, that lay beside Sky. She looked thoughtfully at the sleeping girl for a while before drifting to sleep.

Inuyasha climbed the tree under which Sky and Kagome slept. He took his station to keep watch for the night but soon got engulfed in his own thoughts.

He cared for Sky, for some reason he can't help it. But she had secrets and it could be really dangerous for all of them. It isn't that he hasn't felt anything weird about her, because he has. She has intrigued him to irritation, so he gave up trying to understand. But whatever she's keeping from them is putting her into a lot of trouble. He needs to know what she's up to before it's too late.

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