Ch@pter 28

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Hey guys!Here you go the new chapter but before you all start, I've recently published a new book "Alice of Old"
It would relay make me happy if you check that one out too. It is a highly twisted version of Alice in Wonderland, but is not exactly that *tehe* (*^_^*)And It's a short story and probably won't have more than five chapters.

So, enjoy the new chapter! Enjoy! Do vote and comment! And I just hope you get the idea of what I'm trying to do here \(^o^)/


Sky sat on her window sill as she sipped her lemonade. It always helped her think.
Now that the keepers were here safe, she wouldn't need to go back to the past. It was maybe her luck that the other two could cross through the bone eaters well.

She sighed. Yeah, that sounds right. She'd keep them safe here until the family figures out a way to send them back to wherever they descended from.
The world has become too dangerous for them to stay here long.

The legend says that the two keepers were sent to earth as a lesson for them to learn. As an entity with great power they both looked down upon the creatures of earth and the earth itself, without which neither heaven nor hell could exist in harmony. To teach the both powerful twins wisdom, before they took their place as keepers, they were banished for about a century to earth, most of their powers sealed.

At first, they were too pompous to accept their surrounding. But, there was a limit to how long their infant body could hold their high and mighty air. Within their seven years of stay on earth, they adapted to the world and began to understand its importance and learned to appreciate its beauty.

Soon their old protector, Ginoza, felt the need of having a new protector as his aged body wouldn't allow him to keep them both safe for long.
He searched for the suitable candidate, preferably a demon, to fill in his shoes. But little did he know that the most suitable someone would be a little three year old, weeping and sobbing human girl.

But the girl, Haruto, showed promises. She learned things quickly
And though she was small, the old sensei could sense potential power in her. So, he taught her all he could and passed down his guardianship to her as their new young protector. Both Kokoru and Momoru enjoyed being at her presence and learned to depend and trust her, and all the three shared their secrets with one another.
While the sensei's time with Haruto (aka Sky), he would always sense a couple of demon lurking near by. It sometimes unnerved the old man, but nothing ever attacked so he knew it was safe, for the time being.

But the hope of them safely staying secretly on earth was shattered as they were attacked. The protector was only four when she dutifully protected them at that time by luring those demon away from the keepers, using herself as a bait.

After the young little protector went missing without a trace, a celestial blue wolf demon, named Rem, came forward and promised to look after them. When things got hard. he approached the late great dog demon, Ino Tashio's, elder son, Sesshomaru, who too was identified as a powerful demon and the successor of his father's lineage.

After a little persuasion and discussion, Lord Sesshomaru agreed to help General Rem with the Keepers.

But Rem knew he would need more than just a help of the demon. So, he found the most powerful priest of that time, Priest Albarn, to look after them until the return of their Protector.

You see, the twins, Kokoru amd Momoru were supposed to return to their place centuries ago. But due to unavoidable circumstances, it was impossible to return them to their home.

Skylar was pulled out of her thoughts when her door was opened rather aggressively.
Takumi intervened before the steaming hanyou could enter.

"Why you little," Inuyasha ignored Takumi and began to yell "care to explain what was all that!"

Sky, for some reason felt really irritated. "Yeah?" She retorted "Care to tell, what right you have barging into my house like that?"

"Shut it you both!" Kagome authoritatively ordered "Stop bickering like kids!" She entered the scene with Kokoru and Momoru close behind her.

Inuyasha chose to ignore Kagome too "I knew you were up to no good. You dared to partner up with my worst enemy!" He claimed.

"I've told you a million times, it's none of your business!" Sky snapped "It was all part of my plan. And it worked. End of discussion"

"You little..." Inuyasha balled his fist.

"In fact, I've no plans what so ever of going back there. I've achieved what I wanted." Sky stood and kept the glass near on the table.

"Yeah? Glad to hear that! At least now your sorry ass won't slow us down!" Inuyasha spoke with bitterness. "Let's go Kagome". And so the hanyou turned on his heels and walked out, the miko obediently followed him.

Sky gave a frustrated sigh.

"Skylar Haruto Albarn!" Takumi strictly spoke "Care to explain what all that ruckus was about?" He crossed his arms across his chest.

"It's nothing!" Sky stated "He's just an overprotective control freak and I just did what was necessary!"

Takumi shook his head, giving up on making the fuming girl make sense of things. He looked towards Kokoru, who simply nodded and entered the room closing the door closed behind her.

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