Ch@pter 29

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Here's the new chapter guys! Well the update might be slow from now on as my college reopened and we'll have a series of competition for which I've been selected! Phew! A lot of stuff in my plate this month. But I'll try to update (=^ェ^=)


"Well someone's angry!" Kokoru started.
Sky simply looked away.

She lightly laughed. "You aren't really serious about not returning back there, right?" She prayed "Please tell me it's nothing but your angry rant!"

Sky mustered the courage to look at the face of her old friend. The look on her face said she isn't joking.

The keeper of heaven shook her head. "I thought you told us you aren't named Haruto anymore?" Kokoro continued "You know, we aren't the only matter that needs fixing in the feudal era." She now took a serious tone "You need to fix yourself as well"

"I'm fine" Sky finally spoke up "who says I need fixing?"

"Just like him" Kokoru silently whispered, but then brought her voice to an audible degree "Yeah? But I'm damn certain that someone else surely needs it"

Sky looked up at her and than down at her hands.

"Look, Haruto" Kokoru kept her hand on her shoulder "We've lived there for about 200 years and believe me when I say that a lot more things are broken there than what appears."

Sky gave it a thought "Whatever!" She murmured "And I told you, it's Skylar."

"Ok" Kokoru smiled as she exited the room.

Sky messes her silver locks as she realised what Kokoru did. "That sly woman!" She cursed.

"I heard that..." A sing song voice came from the hallway.

Sky let out a heavy sigh but couldn't help smiling. She soon broke into a silent laugh, pulling out her brown bag and began to pack. Guess there is no way to avoid it all, huh?


I know the chapter is short, but i hope you are still liking it! Please also do go and have a look at my new book 'Alice of old', would cgeer me uo a lot.
Love ya!\(^o^)/

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