Chapter 25

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The Doctor was leaning up against the console when his psychic paper started burning in his jacket. He pulled it out and looked at the message. "Please save me from the monsters."

The Doctor danced around the console. "Haven't done this in a while."

"Haven't done what? What are you doing?" Amy asked.

"Making a house call."

They stepped out of the TARDIS into a parking lot of a set of flats.

"No offense, Doctor..." Rory said.

"Meaning the opposite," he said.

"But we could get a bus somewhere like this."

"The exact opposite."

"Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff, Rory," Amy told him.

"Yes, it can. Course it can. Planets and history and stuff. That's what we do. But not today. No," the Doctor said, pulling out his sonic screwdriver and scanning the area, "Today, we're answering a cry for help from the scariest place in the universe."

"And where is that exactly?" Elise asked.

"A child's bedroom." The Doctor stopped and smiled at Elise.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing. Just remembering how you used to want to sleep in my bed after a nightmare."

Amy giggled as Elise blushed in embarrassment.

Rory patted her on the shoulder. "You should hear my father talk about me as a child."

They made their way to the lift.

"Please save me from the monsters? Who sent that?" Rory asked.

"That's what we're here to find out," the Doctor said.

"Sounds like something a kid would say," Amy commented.

"Exactly. A scared kid. A very scared kid. So scared that somehow its cry for help got through to us in the TARDIS."

"Yeah, but you've traced it here."


The lift dinged and the doors opened.

"Ah. Going up."

Amy, Rory, and the Doctor stepped inside.

"Elise, come on," the Doctor said.

"I...uh...I think I'll take the stairs."

"Are you...scared?"

Elise wrapped her arms around herself, clearly uncomfortable.

Rory stepped out and took her hand. "Just focus on me." He walked back into the lift and Elise followed him, her eyes never leaving his.

The lift doors closed and it started its ascent.

The Doctor kissed Elise on the temple and rubbed her back until the lift doors opened again. Once Elise was outside, she could feel herself calming down.

"You did a good job," the Doctor told her, "Okay, we should split up and ask questions."

"You mean, like...knock on people's doors?" Elise asked.

The Doctor sighed. The older Elise got, the more he got to know her personality. And he'd learned that a lot of things scared her. He could put "Lifts/Tight Spaces" and "Social Anxiety" down on his list.

The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now