Chapter 16

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One of the smaller tanks in the room began filling with Flesh and a copy of Jennifer sat up. She shot up and every jumped back.

"Well, I can see why you keep it in a church. Miracle of life," the Doctor said.

Elise thought it was amazing.

"No need to get poncey. It's just gunge," Buzzer commented.

"How can you say that?" Elise asked before she could stop herself, "Look at her! She's a living, breathing, human being!"

The Doctor put a hand on her shoulder. Internally he was jumping for joy. There was the Elise he remembered.

"Guys, we need to get to work," Cleaves told her team.

"Okay, everybody, let's crack on," Jimmy said.

There was a crack of thunder and lightning.

"Did I mention the solar storm?" the Doctor reminded them, "You need to get out of here."

"Where do you want us to go? We're on a tiny island."

"Well, I can get you all off it."

"Don't be ridiculous. We've got a job to do," Cleaves told him.

The Doctor pulled the snowglobe out of his jacket again. "It's coming."

A shrill alarm started going off.

"That's the alarm," Jennifer said.

"How do you get power?" the Doctor asked.

"We're solar. We use a solar router. The weathervane," Cleaves told him.

"Big problem."

"Boss, maybe if the storm's back we should get underground," Jimmy suggested, "The factory's seen better days. The acid pipes might not withstand another hit."

"We have two hundred tons of acid to pump out. We fall behind, we stay another rotation. Anyone want that?" Cleaves asked.

The Doctor grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the tank. "Please, you are making a massive mistake here. You're right at the crossroads of it. Don't turn the wrong way. If you don't, if you don't prepare for this storm, you are all in terrible danger. Understand?"

"My factory, my rules."

"I need to check the progress of the storm." The Doctor turned to Jennifer. "Monitoring station?"

Jennifer looked at him, not sure if she should answer or not.

"Monitoring station," he reiterated. He was in no mood to argue.

"Three lefts, a right and a left. Third door on your left."

"Thank you."

Amy, Rory, and Elise hurried after him all the while the building shook with the force of the solar storm.

The Doctor went straight for the controls. "Waves disturbing the Earth's magnetic field. There is going to be the mother and father of all power surges. See this weathervane, the cock-a-doodle-do? It's a solar router feeding the whole factory with solar power. When that wave hits, ka-boom. I've to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose."

He started to run out of the room when he turned back to them. He smiled. "I never thought I'd have to say that again. Amy, breathe." He turned back around and ran through the corridor.

"Yeah! I mean, thanks. I'll try!" she called after him.

The three of them ran back into the Flesh room before the Monastery went dark.

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