Chapter 11

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A/N - I've enjoyed writing this episode so much! I hope you like it too!

"And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able to re-attach the head," the Doctor told Rory, who was sitting in the pilot seat.

Amy came down the stairs.

"Do you believe any of this stuff?" he asked her.

"I was there."

Elise smiled from her spot on the stars where she was sketching the TARDIS rotor.

"Oh, it's the warning lights. I'm getting rid of those! They never stop!" the Doctor yelled, kicking the console. At one point in time, Elise would have yelled at him for it. But she ignored him.

There was suddenly a knock on the TARDIS door.

"What was that?" Amy asked.

"The door. It knocked," the Doctor said.

"Right. We are in deep space," Rory reminded him.

"Very, very deep".

The knocking came again.

"And somebody's knocking."

Elise briefly wondered if it was River coming for a visit.

The Doctor opened the doors.

There was a small glowing box floating outside.

"Oh, come here. Come here, you scrumptious little beauty." The Doctor reached out for it, but before he could touch it it flew inside and darted around the console. It slammed into the Doctor's chest.

"A box?" Rory asked.

"Doctor, what is it?" Amy asked.

The Doctor picked up the box. "I've got mail!" He ran up to the console. "Timelord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a living Timelord still out there, and it's one of the good ones."

"You said there weren't any other Timelords left. Besides you and Elise," Rory said.

"There are no Timelords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake? The mark of the Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl."

The console sparked and popped.

"Oh, what is happening?" Rory asked.

"We're leaving the universe!" the Doctor yelled.

"How can you leave the universe?" Amy asked.

"With enormous difficulty! Right now I'm burning up TARDIS rooms to give us some welly. Goodbye, swimming pool. Goodbye, scullery. Sayonara, squash court seven."

The console continued to spark as Amy screamed.

The TARDIS landed and everything went quiet.

"Okay, okay. Where are we?" Amy asked.

"Outside the universe, where we've never, ever been," the Doctor told them.

The lights in the TARDIS started to go out.

"Is that meant to be happening?" Rory asked.

"The power, it's draining. Everything's draining. But it can't. That's, that's impossible," the Doctor said.

The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the DoctorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu