Courage 勇気

817 21 0

lan·guor /ˈlaNG(ɡ)ər/

the state or feeling, often pleasant, of tiredness or inertia.


"Come on!" The pirates yell, carrying large boxes onto the huge, wooden ship. Yona tried to carry a box full of food and other necessary resources, but struggles to pick it up.

"Come on," Kija starts. "Didn't we tell you to let us carry the heavy stuff?"

"She's stubborn. She won't stop unless you take it from her." I chuckle and pick up the box Yona had attempted to carry.

"You're a lot stronger than you look." A pirate says to me.

"I'll take that as a compliment," I reply and carry the heavy box onto the ship.

I set the box down and look at Hak. Pirates shower him with requests such as, 'teach me how to fight,' or, 'could you teach me how to fight?'

Hak's answer is always the same. "If you pay me 10,000 rin, I'll happily train you."

I look at Yona, who seems bored. She can't seem to help out, so she's probably sulking in the corner. I sigh and walk towards her.

She's basically my sister who needs life-support twenty-four-seven.

A tap on my shoulder stops me before I can talk to Yona.

"Hey, kiddo. I need to head into town to scout things out. Care to come with me?" A green-haired man says. I sigh in response.

"No," I say and continue walking towards Yona.

Jae-ha places his palm on my head. "What could possibly be more important than doing reconnaissance in town with me?"

"Training." I lie, not stopping to look at his droopy eyes again. "Go ask someone else, or go on your own. I doubt there's anyone who would want to go with you, though."

"That's harsh, Himari." Jae-ha scratches his head. "So many girls would kill to be with me."

"I'm getting déjà vu," I say, thinking of what happened yesterday when he rescued Yona. "Either way, I don't have time to talk to you."

"Please?" Jae-ha begs.

Is he always so clingy?

"Fine." I sigh. Jae-ha smirks and picks me up, carrying me bridal style, which was uncomfortable.

He puts pressure on his left leg and leaps into the sky.

The oceans and forests, together with the wind, are nature's ventilators. The sea was buzzing with its dormant strength, the waves carelessly dribbling onto the sand.

"Wow!" My eyes glimmer in awe. Port Awa really is beautiful.

"Do you regret coming with me?" he asks.

"A little," I reply, staring at the ocean.

Ah... I forgot to talk to Yona... this guy really draws you into a conversation, and can get his way easily.

As we get closer to the town, Jae-ha's eyes widen. He immediately lands on a roof and pushes my head down.

"Hurry, get down." He whispers.

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