The Blue Dragon

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lis·ten /ˈlis(ə)n/

give one's attention to a sound.


Birds chirp and the sun shines on my pale skin, waking me.

I look to my left only to see a crimson-haired girl staring at me.

"Good morning, Himari." she smiles.

"Good morning, Princess Yona."

We both stand up and look at Kija.

"Oh, no! Kija, what happened to your beautiful face?!" Princess Yona yells.

"Ah. I apologize for my indecency..." Kija apologizes. It looks as though he hasn't steeped at all, probably because he was scared of the bugs.

"Hey, you got a bug on your back," Hak jokes.

"Eek!" Kija waves his arms around frantically.

"Kija, wait! Hak was just lying!" I reassure him.

"Be quiet, amusing circus freaks." Yoon orders. He turns around. "Listen up. We're going to. Village, so don't be conspicuous. Especially since we're in Fire Tribe territory."

I look at the ex-general, crimson-haired Princess, and white dragon. Then I realize that I'm Geun-Tae's daughter. "That's impossible..." I mumble.

"He's not at this village," Kija says.

"I guess it's not that easy. Let's go twenty-four miles from here..." Yoon trails off.

"We can't. It's now a training camp for Fire Tribe's military." Hak stops him.

"What? Then what about here?" Yoon points to a different village on the map. After deciding which villages seemed right, Yoon spoke. "We've narrowed it down to three villages! One of them is surely the Blue Dragon Village!"


Nearly every village we came across showed no signs of a dragon.

Everything pointed towards the Khai empire.

Each night was the same. Everyone but Kija slept peacefully. Kija couldn't get comfortable, but he lived in a fancy bedroom.


"I got it!" Yoon exclaims. "I know where the Blue Dragon Village is! I overlooked it because I didn't think people could live there, but they do! Right at the border, in that Rocky Mountain!" Yoon points at a mountain.


After about an hour of walking, we reach the mountain.

"I didn't think there'd be an inhabited village here," Princess Yona says.

"I know!" Yoon exclaims. "It just looks like rocky mountains from afar! There was a story Ik-soo told me where villagers escaping from a war hid in the mountains."

"Are you sure this is the place, Kija?" I ask.

"Yes. The blue dragon is here!" Kija smiles.

After a while, we manage to find the entrance to the village.

They used pots and fire for light and wood to support the ceiling.

A man wearing a mask slowly enters the hallway that we're walking in. Many other masked men join him and draw their swords.

After observing the men for a bit, I realize that some men aren't wearing masks. One of the men who isn't wearing a mask walks towards us.

"Who are you?" he asks.

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