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Darcy's POV:

It has been 17 years since I've seen my parents. Since almost anyone has seen there parents unless they are lucky. 17 years ago was when the disaster struck our world. We finally over came it and rounded them all up. No one was ever cured, but we started a new world. All over again. We found some people who knew how to bring back up the power grid. People who knew how to get our fossil fuels back. We have set up a small government again and elected new people to run it. We have schools, hospitals, police, army. It slowly regaining it's footing. Me and my twin sister Ariel are 18. We have grown up fully without our parents. I see my dad in old magazines every now and then, and a few picture they took together. We also grew up with their friends children, Josh and Cameron. My father's best friend Louis raised all four of us. We lost them all in attack that went bad. My mum had the idea of giving all us kids to Louis while he ran off. We were the only survivors. Cameron never even saw his mum. His mum died while giving birth to him. His father was Niall, blonde hair blue eyed. Although his natural was dark brown, so his son's hair was brown also. But he didn't fail to pass on the bright blue orbs he had. As for Josh, his parents i heard were the sweetest. His father Liam was always a kid on the inside, and very responsible and loving. His mum was a dancer so i heard. She was absolutely beautiful. Both boys could sing, equally as gifted as there fathers. We all just graduated from high school, and all go to the same college because there are no more other choices here. We still don't have much food, but we are salvaging whats edible from grocery stores. Ariel and I live together in a small apartment. She is dating Josh while I'm dating Cameron. Funny isn't it? Louis always tells us he was worried from the start that something was wrong, but didn't go back until it was too late. We have heard that i have my father's hair, curly and dark. But yet i have my mum's bright blue eyes. Ariel has dirty blonde hair with Dad's green orbs. We are both fit from the apocalypse still. fighting our way through the terrible world. I have quite a passion for dancing, i heard my mother was the same. Letting the music flow through me and show the world what i can do. Ariel was gifted with our father's raspy voice. But back to today, today is our birthday. Cameron, Josh, and Louis are all here to celebrate at our little apartment. We have great food since Ariel got her cooking skills from our dad. We are all sitting down and about to have a toast with champaign when Louis stands up.

Louis:"To Harry and Abby, for giving birth to these lovely ladies. Without them, i would have never had the strength to take care of them. Never moved on. They still remind of you everyday i see them. You would be happy to see the world on its way, for you always had hope it would turn around. A happy birthday to your lovely children, Ariel and Darcy."

Cameron&Josh:"Cheers to our girldfriends!"

I look over at Ariel who has tears streaming down her face. We all clink glasses and sip from our champaign, wondering what our parents would say about us growing up. What they would look like after being a parent. We will never know. I automatically grab at the necklace around my neck. It was a heart with a D on it, and a message from my parents.

Live your life darling, we are always here for you to succeed. xx

It was the same as Ariel's only she had an A on the front of it. They gave it to us when we were born. They managed to pack it along with the other things we needed. Along with a family photo album. I grasp Ariel's hand as we both think about how much we love them when we barely knew them. But i have a feeling we would be close with them. Tell them anything and everything. But as for now, we have to live life in the moment. And look back upon them and thank them for giving us life. We love you Mum and Dad.

The End

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