Chapter 4

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Once you wake up, you turn over to the other side of the bed to see Harry gone and a note in its place.

*Good morning love:) I went downstairs to make breakfast, it looks like no one will be up for awhile so we will have some alone time;)*

You smiled at how cheeky this boy was and couldn't believe through all the day has been you have him. You walk downstairs to the smell of chocolate and coffee. You see Harry flipping some chocolate chip pancakes and making you a strawberry carmel latte.

Harry:"Good morning babe" he says with a smile

You:"Good morning. You don't have to make such an elaborate breakfast Haz"

Harry:"But i want to for my girl"

You:"Oh alright" you say with a wide grin

You were amazed at his cooking skills. He walks over and sets down your coffee and breakfast. You instantly dig in, you didn't eat much last night. Your stomach wasn't up to food after seeing all the gore from the zombies. His eyes grow wide as to see you have ate your huge stack of pancakes and drank the entire large latte in about 10 minutes.

Harry:"You must've been REALLY hungry!" he laughs

You:"Yeah, haha. I guess i wasn't up to food last night after all the gory-ness throughout the day"

Harry:"Oh yeah... we start training today don't we?"

You:"Right you are, but before that we can have a little time to our selves before people wake up" You say with a wink

Harry:"I like how you think" Grinning with his cute dimples

Soon you guys were on the couch in an intense make-out session when suddenly Niall storms.


You and Harry jump at least a million feet in the air, you guys were startled to death from Niall's entrance. Niall sees your guys expression and realizes he interupted something quite intimate.

Niall:"Oh... sorry guys..."

You:"Haha it's alright Nialler, the pancakes are over there on the counter. Help yourself"

You and Harry smile at each other. You mouth to him *catch up later tonight?* you wink at him. He gives his cheeky little grin *of course babe* and blows a kiss to you. You go over to the intercom.

*Everyone wake up and come down to breakfast. Today is a long day, hope your all rested!*

Once everyone has eating breakfast and gotten into athletic clothes, you lead them down to the training room.

You:"Paul, how about you take half of the group to train with the guns and i'll take the rest to train with the bows"

Louis:"But bows aren't that deadly!"

You:"They are just as deadly, and even better than guns. The guns make loud noises that can attract more zombies in the area. The more zombies, less chance of you surviving."

Louis:"I guess you have a point..."

You:"From now on, no one questions my motives."

Paul takes Liam, Louis, Danielle, and Eleanor. While you take Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Sydney. The first thing you do is get them sized up with a bow that isn't too heavy or too small and give them regular arrows to start with. You show them how to put the arrow in and launch it. You stand back watching everyone shoot. Sydney seems to be doing pretty good for a beginner so you only have to touch up a few things. Niall is having perfect form but missing the targets so you fix his aiming technic. Zayn is taking a break at the moment so you turn to Harry. He is doing terrible. He has terrible form and almost shot his own foot with the arrow. You giggle slightly and walk over to him.

You:"Harry, i think you might need a little help babe."

Harry:"I can do this love, i've got it"

you watch as he struggles in front of you. Without warning you put yours hands over his and guide him.

You:"You have to hold the bow with a firm hand like this." you say while squeezing that hand

You:"and you have to pull back the arrow with the string all the way to your jaw line and press it hard against your face" You pull back the string and arrow with him.

You:"Now you aim, and shoot" you let go of the string with him and it hits right in the middle of the target.

He stares at you in awe.

Harry:"Thanks babe, but next time i can figure it out" he kisses you softly

You start blushing and look at the ground. But quickly look back up, you still have to be a leader for these people. You look over and see Sydney and Niall helping each other out while Zayn was looking in the mirror at himself. You check the clock and see that it is almost 11:30 and decide its about time to have lunch. you all walk into the shooting range to tell the others its time for lunch.

You:"How are they doing at gun training?"

Paul:"They are doing well, i think after lunch we should have you take my four to bow training and i'll take your four."

You:"Sounds like a deal"

Niall:"What's for lunch Abby?! Can you recreate Nandos?!"

You:"Haha i dunno Niall why don't ya ask Haz, he is the cook"

Niall:"Oh yeah you would definitely know that from him making breakfast for you and a latte" he says with a wink.

You start blushing like crazy and run over to Harry telling him what Niall requested for lunch and he says he could probably manage. You all sit down and chat a little bit when you notice they are all staring at you and Harry talking. You stop and look at them puzzled.

You:"Why are you guys looking at us like we are a high school couple?"

Louis:"Because you obviously are acting like one!!"

You:"Are not!"

Louis:"Are too!!" he says with a smirk

Danielle:"It's obvious that you too have a thing for each other"

Eleanor:"She's right Abby"

You:"Well yeah i guess we are..." You say smiling and blushing like crazy.

Harry:"As a matter of fact she is my girlfriend" He says with a dimpled smile.

All of the sudden Paul's head hits the table hard. You all gasp at how sudden it was. You walk over to him to check a pulse. None. you see that his sleeve is for once rolled up past his forearm and notice the bite mark.

You:"Guys, Paul has been bitten."

Before you could answer Paul's head pops up and he lunges for you to try and eat you

To Be Continued...

Note: Hi Guys! I hope you enjoyed this next chapter of Love In An Apocalypse!! Sorry I couldn't put up more than one today, I had school and cheerleading after words so not much time to write! Leave your thoughts in my ask box and I will also do imagines!!:)xx

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